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need advice on Buyin a PPG

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Dear All,

Greetings !!

I am a fairly newbie to PPg from India. Here we have to purchase the equipment as hardly anyone would loan you his for learning. Now, my dilemma is which PPG to buy I am 28 years 5’7’’ and weigh 72 Kgs. (athletic built).

We have two dealers in India dealing in Fresh Breeze and fly Products respectively. I would not mind a little heavy machine but it should be powerful as I plan to fly tandem or use it on a trike.

The main consideration is that should be useable on single, tandem and trike. The machine should also be robust, reliable and with a long service life as getting spares in India is a problem.

Thanking you in advance



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Pete's absolutely right, the FB is the better of those 2 makes by far. If you wanted to just fly by yourself then the Solo powered one would be fine for your weight but if you really intend to do tandem then you should be looking at the Simonini (preferably with the comfort bar setup).

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They do but its very very expensive and not much like a paramotor to fly. Stick the FB unit on a generic trike unit. The Paratoys LowBoy quad is actually very good and far more stable than others. I believe it can take an extra seat on the front but I've only ever been on one solo.

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