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maiden flight not


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went to the feild bob and mike there, nice to meet u mike.ah well got ready pulled wing up turned to run, the wing dropped back enough for the lines to land on the plastic hoop outer ring and snap it went taking more of the prop.im getting good at this prop smashing thing.the motor ran well though.time to fit it in the dk frame,shoulnt have used the test frame.had a nice run across the feild with bobs aventure though im to heay to get of the ground with that..bob made it look easy in the nil wind very nice take off,he had a play around for a while.lovely looking custom-air frame..bob got a bit of vid of mike.the sky looked excelent blue and fluffy little thermic clouds all around...chapter 2 onwards//////

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....the wing dropped back enough for the lines to land on the plastic hoop outer ring and snap it went taking more of the prop.im getting good at this prop smashing thing.the motor ran well though.time to fit it in the dk frame,shoulnt have used the test frame....chapter 2 onwards//////
Sorry to hear about the hiccup today Jock.

Better luck with the dk frame :D


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Bad luck Jock, at least it wasn't a fresh prop.

Sorry I couldn't make it in the end, work just got the better of me and I ended up spending the day stressing.

Mike, how did the last flight go, did you make it round Malvern and back before it went dark?


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Hi Dan.

Sorry I didnt get back to you, got tied up.

Yes had a great flight over to the Malverns. Average speed out was 21mph with 27mph on the way back. Managed 37mph a few times with speed bar. A big front was on the other side of the Hills so I returned sharpish. Didnt want to get caught up in that!

Catch you next time.

All the best


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