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Reducing torque effect ?


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Hello folks,

I wonder if anyone has any setup tips to reduce engine twist please?

My props turn clockwise looking from the back.

I find the engine twists anticlockwise, as I'm flying the left side of the seat

gets pulled down with it so it feels I'm not seated level which I find


I wondered if I tightened the straps holding the engine to the harness, if this

would help to reduce the 'play' between engine and harness not allowing so much

twist under power?

I have tried having the harness strap slightly longer and shorter on one side

although am not overly confident on all the effects in terms of adjustment, as

to which way to adjust.

Weight shift to the right helps a little but gets tiring after a while.

More recently I settled on having them the caribeners level, measuring from the

seat up the harness strap to them on each side.

If If I adjust to raise the caribener it lengthens the distance to the seat

making the effect worse. If I lower the caribener it brings that riser down

turning me left anyway?

Do others have this effect with the unlevel seat?

Its ok power off in thermals! Ho ho :D:coptor:

Many thanks for any help from the experts.



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Not an issue in level flight but if climbing fast I tend to clip the brakes up and reach for the left stabilo (wingtip) line and pull it in enough to fly straight. Doesn't take much effort.

I have flown with the left trimmer tighter than the right but someone said that might not be a good situation to be in if trying to sort out a largish collapse.

I've slid my fuel tank to the left and mounted the reserve on the left.

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Thanks for your help Simon and Dave.

Motor :RAD MXL

Wing :Action 29

Harness: Woody Valley, Large

I don't have to adjust any trims of make any brake input to fly straight and level, its just the seat on the tilt that I'm finding a problem.

I thing I need to tighten the straps holding the motor to the harness?

Many thanks,


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Thanks for your help Simon and Dave.

Motor :RAD MXL

Wing :Action 29

Harness: Woody Valley, Large

I don't have to adjust any trims of make any brake input to fly straight and level, its just the seat on the tilt that I'm finding a problem.

I thing I need to tighten the straps holding the motor to the harness?

Many thanks,


I have a bit of a theory here, bear with me;

As your prop turns CW, as you say this will result in the motor turning ACW, giving you a left side of seat low situation. I would guess that our bodies in an effort to create equilibrium will probably subconsciously weight shift somewhat to the right to counteract this effect.

The resultant that you are finding is that you are flying straight.

Well, here is a bit of a problem. If you lengthen the harness straps on the right (or shorten those on the left) in order to level the seat, you will effectively have introduced a control input that will result in your aircraft turning to the left (by removing the R weight shift element). So you now have a bit of a paradox; accept the out of level seat, or actually have to go to MORE effort in order to fly as straight as you are managing to do now.

Personally, I'd accept the out of level seat and be happy you are flying straight.


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  • 3 months later...


I had or have the same problem. But seems to me that different props have different attitude. With my old prop the torque problem was minor, then i broke this prop and bought a new one. The first flight felt so so different and was exactly what you said - feeling off course, in my case about 10deg. I double checked during flight that some of the straps might have come loose, so different was the feeling.

So what i think is that the prop (shape, pitch) might be the one to consider.

Also would you let me know did the different strap setting on the right and left helped.



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