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Alti/vario and gps


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Evening all, I just ordered the flytec 6005 vario,seems a good choice for the money and my low level of experience,look forward to trying it! Also bought the garmin emap(new) off ebay and was wondering if its quite easy to download airmaps to it? My friend has it but im not that good on the old pc :roll: Anyone done similar sort of thing :?: gaz

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Hi Gazza,

I just bought a Garmin GPS60CSxand am delighted with it. The whole 'air map' question is interesting and I am looking at it at the moment. If we couldn't 'arrange something' collectively I would be surprised. The best option for me would be to use digital maps generated by the CAA, they are amended and directly relevant to the quarter and half mil charts they issue. Questions about their compatibility with various devices need looking at but as the Authority, they would be my first point of call.

From here it seems that...

Del C,

You cannot install Memory-Map data to ANY Garmin GPS model this has always been the case.

With Memory-Map you can trasfer Routes, Tracks, and Waypoints to and from the GPS.



I am writing an article at the moment about pilot navigation (paramotors) and I am looking for someone who considers paramotor navigation/cross country work to be their focus of interest to use them as a 'Guinea Pig' and a source of opinion.

Any takers? Please email me from the link below.


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