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email for posted replys??


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Hi Simon

I belong to the atom club forum and they had an email thing "sorry not a technical term" where if you are adding to a certain topic it will email you if there has been a reply on that subject.. I think that it is really great if you are looking for infomation etc. It would also be good if you could subscribe or unsubscribe to the topic so that you dont have lots of emails from the same post say if its gone off topic or you have had enough... or even if there is a topic that have for gotten about and hasnt been replyed to in a while. The one on the atom web site will not blast you with lots of emails if there has been alot of replys in a short space of time but will email you the first reply...


Keep up the good work

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Hi morgy,

If you go into your 'Profile' and look under 'Preferences' you will see;

Always notify me of replies: Yes No

Sends an e-mail when someone replies to a topic you have posted in. This can be changed whenever you post.

I htink by default it is set to 'No' so you have to manually change it.

Hope that helps :D


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Went to Guildford field 2 weeks ago but Barry did not answer his phone to give me the barrier combination so by the time I got in and kit out the sun was setting, did a few practice launches in the dusk then went home. This weekend looks nice but just been shafted with overtime all day Saturday so it's fingers crossed for time off family stuff for a Sunday hop, also pending access to one of Simons fields as flagpole field is not much use at the moment - can't get up the muddy hill.

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If you are stuck for somewhere to fly did you want to pop over to the field in send one evening you can give it the once over to see if you think its usable and i could take you to the field the guy uses just up the road.... you could launch from there and i could wait and see if he comes out as i have not tracked him down yet...

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If you are stuck for somewhere to fly did you want to pop over to the field in send one evening you can give it the once over to see if you think its usable and i could take you to the field the guy uses just up the road.... you could launch from there and i could wait and see if he comes out as i have not tracked him down yet...

Great plan, flush him out from the air :) don't think I'll have a moment free till after xmas though, I bet there is a good chance they will be there on flyable days anyway.

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