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My flippin starter motor...!


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Think my starter motor is on the way out. I just want to verify before I start pulling things to bits under the bonnet.

A few months back it started playing up, symptoms are getting in car (generally when in a rush) and turning key, all I get is a click. Lights, radio etc still function and do not 'dim' when under load (well, when getting the click). I can roll or push the car, slip it into second and dump the clutch - it then starts no problem. This happened each time I tried starting for about 3/4 days - then all of a sudden it just started working again.

Now, a month later it is happening again. Turn the key and just get a click. Push or roll down hill and starts fine.

It is an Audi A3. Happy to attempt removal and replacement myself but just wanted to verify diagnosis with real mechanics first. Assuming also it could be solenoid?!? On an old mini, I used to literally clean the brushes etc - is that still the case?

Thanks in advance,


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yep sounds like a solenoid to me. try getting someone to hit it with a spanner or hammer if you can get to it. Minght be still worth removing it and cleaning it all up you never know. I have no exp with audi's give me a aston db4 zegarto then i am your man!!

Ok, how about we swap then? It'll brush up your skills a bit on the audi front. I honestly don't mind sacrificing my car to drive around in your lump of poop :)

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Hi Ben

You seem to have gone off topic very slightly!!!

The problem with your starter motor is most likely a bad connection on the battery, a common fault at this time of year.

Try to start the car and hold the key for a few seconds and the 'bad connection' will get hot, you can then clean it up and put it back with some grease to protect it.

See you Tomorrow.


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