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Oh what a Beautiful Morning!


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What a great day. The first day in a few when it's been even close to flyable.

I'd emailed someone off Paramotorsuk who lives local to me. This morning I got a reply saying he was going to try and have a fly from one of the nearby villages, but by the time I read the email, there was no answer on his phone, so I guessed I had missed him.

On the off chance though, I loaded up my gear, and drove up to the village that he was due to fly from. As luck would have it, I spotted him in the air and tried to signal to him. Unfortunately he didn't see me. He was making very little headway against the breeze, and by the time I had turned the car round, he had turned and was headed off into the distance. I followed as best I could, and eventually spotted him, just touched down in a field about a quarter of a mile away, with a building and windsock. I managed to navigate my way to the spot, and was most surprised when I turned in through the gate, to find myself driving down a well maintained grass runway about 500m long, with a hanger and the flying stranger at the far end.

I drove down and introduced myself to Roger, who only knew my name from the one email I'd sent him.

Well to cut a long story short (perhaps a lost cause now), we had a really great natter, and after a bit of debate about whether the conditions were going to improve, he talked me into having a fly with him. It took a couple of attempts, the failure was because I didn't run direct into wind, and instead, tried to be an aeroplane and take off down the runway. Once I made my run virtually at right angles to the runway, it was up and away :D

Just had a really nice bimble around, with the wind at about a thousand feet leaving you almost hovering, and giving an almost vertical descent if you cut the power. I'm pretty sure my rate of climb has improved, but then it really should have, as I've shed over twenty pounds in the last three weeks.

My landing was the worst so far, with a slight tumble, but no damage or injuries.

I just love this sport/pastime SO much, I'm home and buzzing again, the clouds are making it overcast and rain is imminent, but I don't care because I've had my fix. Yippeeeee!

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