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Although this site is very useful in direct comparisons, do not overlook support and service. There is nothing worse than having a small window of perfect flying weather, and having to wait a couple of weeks for a part. This has been the experience of some of my collegues here- i won't mention the brand. A certain manufacturer on this comparison site is a 'one man band', and dosen't even answer the telelphone..., doesn't provide manuals, etc.... Shame really as he has a good product. Also i've found that individuals that chop and change dealerships every couple of years are also fustrating... some of them would rather sell you a new product 'B' than get parts for product 'A'. Longstanding relationships between dealer and manufacturer is a good characteristic.

Also a good idea to consider what those guys around you are flying- you can form a 'spares collective' where someone in your group will have the parts you need, without waiting.

(sorry for sounding like a 'Simon Cowell', i have not flown for 9 days.... due to weather :cry: )

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Great advice,

Ref Simon Cowell mood, I won't tell you that we have all just had a great flight for a good 45 mins, everyone who wanted to fly, did, no drama, all good..

O, um I seem to have told you. ;-)


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Get yourself down here for a day or two, I had my T-shirt on today. (may even have caught a little to much sun) LOLOL

Opppps, I am not sure but I seem to have done it again LOL


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