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flying this weekend


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All, wheather your down at Lambourn or at the Pie and Peas, the weather is looking good so hope you all get some good flying time in and for some your first flights.

Still no propeller so l won't be PPG'in this weekend (work Saturdays anyway) waiting for Andrew at Parajet to give me an update next wed/Thurs :roll:

I will be PG'ing locally at Mercury for a couple of hours as its quite near to me, the rest of the PG crowd are heading off to Wales.

Hopefully the following weekend l will have more "me" time :lol:

Take care and fly safe.

Regards Mike :D

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Managed a nice after work PG soar up at shining tor this evening.

PPGwise my netting has arrived - industrial fishing netting I ordered, uv proof etc looks great and strong as hell. Got loads if anyone's interested.

Have been grounded PPG wise needing to add more net to my frame after just 1 flight. This weekend is gonna be light up north. PG at Edenfield tomorrow I think then might try to get some more PPG flights in when it goes light on Sun.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

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Had an awesome first time launch to complete my 6th flight today, man I'm starting to know why I went in for this sport now, it just gets better each time and you learn a little bit more too, did a few low passes and some tighter turns tonight but my biggest lesson was that you shouldn't ought to land so fast that you fall straight on to the cage and with the engine still running, thankfully prop had stopped spinning though! Took a load more photos tonight of lots of friends houses, my old school etc!

http://www.flickr.com/photos/paramotorm ... 901582056/

Have a great weekend all!


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Interesting isn't it how we all go through stages with our flying. First tentative steps, solo, post solo consolidation and onward. Each one has its separate emotional state and knowing that there is another around the corner adds a little frisson doesn't it? Sounds like the confidence is starting to build Malcs, well done - enjoy!



Are you sure you didn't take this picture from the top of your bounce on the trampoline right beneath you? :lol::lol:

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