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Noob from Houston Texas

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I can't believe I just learned about paramotoring after a lifetime of dreams to become a pilot. I have previously taken flight school for a private pilots license, but didn't quite see it all the way through. I was younger then and didn't quite have the money (still don't have the money for fixed wing). I'm older now and have the disposable income for something like paramotoring. 

I've watched a bunch of Youtube videos, so yes I know who Tucker Gott is lol.. What I've been able to determine is that I need to probably do the following:

1) Get training from a reputable school (There are apparently two schools in my area, Houston PPG and Texas Paramotor). Did I miss one?

2) Don't buy anything until after training, so you better understand what styles of flying and equipment you may want

I'm ready to strap in and take flight, so if there are any folks (maybe some local folks) who can give any advice, or recommend one of the two schools listed that would be appreciated. I'll probably just book a tandem demo flight from both schools and just see which one "clicks".. but any information would be appreciated. 


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Welcome to the Paramotor Club :-):-) (A mainly UK based forum) but with quite a few from the USA. 

Check out the Members map https://www.paramotorclub.org/communitymap/

You will be able to add your own details so that people can find and chat to you or click on a pin to contact that person :-)

Again welcome and enjoy the training! 



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