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Next wing after a Niviuk Qubik


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I currently fly a Qubik 21, very high - possibly over the weight range depending.

Comfortable flying, launching and landing in all conditions from complete nil to stronger, smooth to rougher.

I've come to realise I find XC boring and spend most of my flying throwing it around (with purpose and technique), foot dragging, wing overs, etc.
Shorter "fun" flights over longer trips.

I'm comfortable with all of the above manoeuvres but as always never stop learning and always working to improve.

I'm looking at what wing to get next. Looking for something fast (being overloaded on the 21 is fun and certainly not a challenge) with less roll stability (I want something that will roll and dive more easily).

I'm early in the process so looking for suggestions of wings to start looking into... not loyal to any particular brand.

What ideas/suggestions do you all have?

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25mph trimmed in // Efficient and safe
35mph trimmed out // more fuel burn, more dynamic recovery
40mph trimms + bar // poring fuel away, hard to hold for long periods :) 

The Qubik seems like a reasonably quick wing.
I am going to assume you only have "efficiency" to gain in the most part on a hotter wing unless you are cool with spending hours on full bar (very uncommon)
I imagine the Kougar 3 will be more efficient trimmed out than your Qubik and you get +7mph

Boring XC's for me are anything above 500ft but low and slow has its own set of problems :) 

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