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The past few days!!

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I have been MIGHTY busy the last few days getting what with this great weather we are having.

12-hour stints in the field every day to get the back log of people who have been suffering from the rain through and getting some great training and flying done.

What an Awesome few days!!!

Weesplat / Colin has had a good few XC flights and so has added his name to the Dartmoor list of Pilots!! WELL DONE COLIN (you have put in the required effort mate!

Dan the Man and Martin have come close to there first fligfhts and will be doing so very soon now.

One guy flew his new wing and loved it.

Mike had his first Powerd flight and had a nice 50 min extended circuit on the schools motor.

Took another 2 bookings for training.

Got another three Lambourn PM club members....


Were off...... Yipppeeeeeeeeeee


Sorry I have been a little quiet but I have been a lot busy 'GOOD BUSY'

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I have had one or two early ones.

Nice silky smooth air, love it!

I am more than ready for the Dartmoor trip....... just a case of waiting to see what the weather is doing over the weekend....

I have been busy as always with teaching and doing some garden admin at home.

My garden looks like a rain forest! (Well did look like a rain forest)

When do you think that you will be around for some training Norman?

SW :-)

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Hi Simon,

I return from my travels on the 7th, have gardening and domestics on the 8th and 9th. My motor will be ready for collection on the 8th (Gilo assures me).

Certainly I am available for training on the 10th, 11th and 12th (I have the required pink chits) . The latter two days being allocated to the Grand Days Out. I thought that I could either meet up with the clan at Mere on the first stop or make my way down the road to the second to assist there. But in truth, whatever you want me to do, I will do to support the invasion of Dartmoor.

I might just give you a ring tomorrow to discuss so that we can both plan (Skype from Singapore).

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