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Silex Wing

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Can someone give me their opinion on the Silex wing, I currently have a Large Silex that I bought when I first entered the sport about two years ago but never used it, long story but basically I went to the wrong school to try to learn, I currently fly with an Ozone Mojo but want to use my Silex, however the Silex was originally intended for high hang point paramotors, I fly with a low hang point rig, I have been told that shortening the brake lines by approximately 20cms will be sufficient for me to use it with my low hang point motor, has anyone here ever done this and can they tell me of their opinion / experience with this wing, thanks everyone and happy flying.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Although some manufacturers claim the silex is a good paramotorglider, it's not.

I tested different sizes of the silex glider. The Silex has a Dulv certification but no original paraglider certification. If it would be certified, the Silex would be a rated as a DHV 2-3 class or glider only for very experienced people.

Take off is normal/similair like any other glider. The speed is standard like most common paragliders. During wingovers the glider easy collapses with 1/3. In thermals the glider moving to every side. When the motor is brougth to idle, the glider sinks very fast. The glide is poor. It's also known the glider has design errors. This can be seen from above the glider. At 2/3 at the back of the wing there is a big wrinckle going from left to right.

There are many other (reflex) paramotorgliders which flies so much safer and have better performance. Just talk with a lot of paramotorpilots the get information.

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Very interesting. I've only ever ground handled one, never flown it but I had always though that although it is a generation older than what we fly these days most people were fairly happy with them. Perhaps not.

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Thanks for the Info, I was also lead to believe by the Instructor I bought the glider from originally that these gliders, although older, were very good gliders, however I've decided to sell the glider and go for an ITV Dudek, thanks very much for the advice, all the best.

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ITV Dudek?

I think you need to seek more advice. ITV make wings, and Dudek make wings...

Please do call if you would like assistance / advice, number below.


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  • 3 weeks later...

It can be a bit of a mind overload.

Just chill, take your time, talk to people, watch wings in the air, landing, launching, test it, test it again, read reports, look at ratings, then buy it.


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My new wing is the Dakota, flown it just once but it pops up very easily and brought me down with my safest and tidiest landing to date. Will probably upgrade later once I've mastered the sport a bit more but for now it is just what I needed!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 7 months later...
Hmmnnn... a lot of suppositions there Welder. I tend to be wary of those who shout loudest :wink:

Strange I thought the whole idea of a forum was to talk/exchange views, I particularly enjoyed Simon's point made me laugh out load and we need people who are clued up street wise etc to extract information and from that we can make better/wiser decisions.

Thank god for forums and please remember SHOUT OUT LOUD, Alan.

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Hmmnnn... a lot of suppositions there Welder. I tend to be wary of those who shout loudest :wink:

Strange I thought the whole idea of a forum was to talk/exchange views... Thank god for forums and please remember SHOUT OUT LOUD, Alan.

To be fair you are digging up a thread that died over 8 months ago and then quoting v23 commenting on a post by Welder that has since been removed. Might be an idea to check the details before shouting out loud perhaps.

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Your right i have just checked the date, but the strange thing is this thread appeared in my posts since last visit, i will check the dates next time, Alan

Wrong again never lol say sorry Alan


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