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Skywings article about the Lambourn Club

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Thanks to Tracy, Paramotherbrown, Lemmings (for typing it out for me)

The Lambourn Paramotor Club is a relatively new venue for paramotoring in the south, set in beautiful countryside in the island of class G airspace between Brize Norton, Fairford, Larkhill Ranges, Boscombe and Heathrow. It was started by Simon Westmore, born of a common need he found amongst many fellow paramotor pilots. Most are self-taught and flying in isolation. Many have acquired good technical skills and have a responsible and safety-conscious attitude, but have missed out on the training in meteorology, air law and flight theory that learning through registered schools would have provided. Simon says he has obtained club insurance cover that permits him to train and assess these pilots and provide them with individual insurance cover for their solo flying.

I have been to Lambourn on two separate occasions and find the club atmosphere friendly and welcoming. There is a wealth of experience and friendly advice to help pilots of all levels to develop their skills and knowledge. The club is run as an airfield and all the attendant regulations for safe operation. Pilots are carefully briefed on the flight paths to and fro, agreed with local residents. Regular fly-outs are organised the next being to Dartmoor - complete with land-borne back up and barbecue, I am told! The last time I went the club had organised a day to meet the On-Risk people, the insurers, and to try out the new Dudek range of paramotor wings brought in my the importer, Clive Bunce.

I had tried the Reaction with my Parajet Volution on a previous visit so this time I flew the new Synthesis. Its billing as a tamer version of the Reaction made me think it was sedentary wing but that was not the case. I found it very responsive and just as fast as the Reaction. I think Dudek have found a winner here. All in all a very god day out, and a friendly barbecue in the barn as the rain started! Needless to say I have joined the club.

Reported by Francis Rich

Now thats wat I am talking about!!

Cheers Francis.

If you want to reply to this letter in Skywings e-mail it to 'Joe Schofield' skywings@bhpa.co.uk

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