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Hi to all who attended yesterday

Was good to see familiar faces return again for a spell of parawaiting.

Thanks to Rob for the tea and aching muscles from his power kite yesterday.

I think 2 feet was the highest it pulled me off the floor. :D:D

Hope to see you all again soon at the next flyable day

Simon Payne 8)8)

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Hi, To everyone who attended Lambourn yesterday. Although we didn't get to fly. well some of us did,( Rob's Kite) it was really great to meet most of you. Hope to see you all again soon and hopefully do some flying. :D

Simon I would like to thank you for all your tremendous efforts over the the last few months in getting the Lambourn Paramotor Club 'nearly' up and running and for all the support to have given me and other as a newbie's to to Paramotoring.

Hope to see ya soon

:P Terry :P

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