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Posts posted by alan

  1. Very funny especially the liver one, anyway Simon forget the pending tv program there is now something far more prestigious yes its a scoop unless someone else has seen this because you have now made it to the big screen.

    Yes Simon, we went to see the new harry Potter film and you appeared n a trailer before the film started so next time i order something from the shop just pop a signed picture in with the goods just in case your tv/film career takes off pardon the pun cheers Alan

  2. Dont you worry about the number crunching Alan. That Fusion's got a lovely glide. Just fly it and enjoy !


    Thanks Dave i did my first xc flight with it last time over Hornsea on the east coast of Yorkshire and although it was early afternoon and very thermic it seemed as stable as my Synthesis wing.

    Tried for a early evening flight and disaster struck i got the bottom of my foot caught in my foot stirrup that i use to get in my seat and ended up hopping on one foot trying to cut the engine and falling on to my knee and breaking a propeller some thing you will not know about i hasten to add, they do look good those flat tops, Alan.

  3. Hi Alan,

    let met introduce myself, Carl 40 + something and live in Beverley. ( sound like a dating agency ) I saw Look North last week and very interested in getting some details about Paramotoring , locations , lessions potential costs etc.

    If you are down at Leven one evening next week or next weekend or when ever I would love to catch up over a coffee and have a chat and learn more.


    Hello Carl,

    Great to hear from you i will pm my mobile number to you cheers, Alan.

  4. (not me I love him infact if I ever turn gay your on my list xx)

    What about me :D

    Pete lovable b

    Oh no a couple of benders this brings a whole new meaning to the terms: Ground handling , Are you getting up today oh bother what about re-pack whats that all about and i bet Pete bs Makro has got more thrust than Trevors HE (hardly ever) 120 which if measured like that would have lag ha ha.

    I take it you mean Macro or is it shopping you are after, spelling not your thing Dude or should that be Guy's or maybe Chaps which is the American one? not Guy's or Chaps maybe its DUDE and his is in bits lol sorry Pete B

    Look you old fart your even repeating your posts ha ha now eat the rest of your spaghetti hoops and don't dribble any of it down your Hull FC shirt, there's a good boy and stop being right it does not suit you.

  5. (not me I love him infact if I ever turn gay your on my list xx)

    What about me :D

    Pete lovable b

    Oh no a couple of benders this brings a whole new meaning to the terms: Ground handling , Are you getting up today oh bother what about re-pack whats that all about and i bet Pete bs Makro has got more thrust than Trevors HE (hardley ever) 120 which if measured like that would have lag ha ha.

  6. Fanman,

    Your right i have just checked the date, but the strange thing is this thread appeared in my posts since last visit, i will check the dates next time, Alan

    Wrong again never lol say sorry Alan


  7. Just of late something really strange has been occurring at our club a certain CFI of ours who is always wrong and i mean wrong, very wrong in fact he could not be more wrong if he was perched at the top of a 500ft wrong tree and fell and hit every wrong branch on the way down that would put into perspective of how wrong he is, has started to be right.

    You can imagine how smug he now is and when i say smug he's very smug, so smug i am now planning on punishing him i thought of holding his head in the propeller but decided that with all the advancement on forensic technology and crime scene detection and the fact that 8 pints of blood would be soaked into my clothing and skin, I may be rumbled.

    Maybe i could slow his paramotor down but its an HE 120 and if it goes any slower he would not take off so i put it to the forum how can i restore normality at our once peaceful and tranquil club (and my sanity)

    All replies to Broad moor club care of Alan.

  8. Hmmnnn... a lot of suppositions there Welder. I tend to be wary of those who shout loudest :wink:

    Strange I thought the whole idea of a forum was to talk/exchange views, I particularly enjoyed Simon's point made me laugh out load and we need people who are clued up street wise etc to extract information and from that we can make better/wiser decisions.

    Thank god for forums and please remember SHOUT OUT LOUD, Alan.

  9. Hello there,

    I fly a parajet Makro and i am chuffed to bits with it superb build quality mine has not missed a beat, as for fuel consumption i would go with 3 to 5 litres an hour depending on trim and the amount of climbing you do.

    If you are staying at a certain height you can back the throttle to about a third and get better fuel consumption, I must admit the flat top has caught my eye due to the impressive safety record and ability to not damage props so i would not discount them. Hope this helps, Alan.

  10. Hello Geoff,

    I could not agree with you more, I too own a Parajet and I am so pleased with the build and performance of their paramotors.

    Couple this with the excellent back up service I dont think you could buy with more confidence.

    Also call me old fashioned but we should be supporting British companies who are prepared to put their necks on the line otherwise all our manufacturing companies in this country will disappear like our car industry has.

    Its just a big bonus for us that Parajet paramotors are to coin a phrase "probably one of the best" rather than the best as there is a lot of makes out there (so really not coining a phrase), starting to waffle now so i had better finish, suffice to say buy the best and buy British if possible I did and now I look down on the rest (think I got away with the ending), Alan.

    Yes i have finished.

  11. Trevor,

    Unfourtunately i will be away on holiday but i thought I would contact you in writing so you can check on the morning of the fly in to LEAVE THAT DRESS AT HOME your name is not Tastey Tina and you must not be on one of your cross dressing days. You have got to admit this was a good idea of mine especially doing this note as a Private Message so as not to cause you any embarresment with the other members, all the best your special friend Alan. :D:D:D:D

  12. Alan, its the model of bike Yamaha FS1E 50 affectionately known as fizzy or fizzer!

    Yes Malcs but the big boys rode the ap50 more power than the average can of ajax(before aforementioned went metric).

    Anyway big boys went on to kettles and water bottles oh and than paramotors

  13. kinda reminds me of when I was a teenager riding my fizzy, we used to get right behind buses and big lorries and the slipstream used to sort of pull us along behind it.


    Bet you had the yellow one and dreamt it was an RD 250 coffin tank with mag wheels didnt you Dave. lol Alan

  14. The trick is take someone who knows when i bought my equipment i did not know any thing about paragliders and paramotors so i got in touch with a local club who offered to come with me and check the equipment.

    I now fly with these chaps and would advise you to do the same, also Simon W who runs this forum is a full time paramotor training instructor so if you can not find a local club contact him to advise you on training and equipment.

    It would be far better than parting with a lot of money on old wings and unreliable motors as any let down on equipment at the flying field can be very frustrating and potentially dangerous, hope this helps, Alan

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