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Posts posted by alan

  1. Still we helped ourselves to the flavoured milk on the way out

    Reassuring that the milk came from CJD free cattle (lol) made it taste all the better. :D:D:D

  2. I envied the guys with the fizzies. Mine was a Gilera 50 trial. Spent too much time fixing it and not enough riding it. Clutch slip and electric probs. Good off road though.

    Dave it could have been worse a mate of mine had a Garelli record remember them it was the less fashionable stable mate of the Garelli Tiger. Standard tool kit was a tin opener but boy was it fast beat all of our ap50's and fizzys hands down, and he caused one of the funniest pile ups ever when he was in front as usual and he braked (no brake lights on these though) John rode straight up his arse along with the rest of us, only man standing Ray on his Garelli.

    Never forget Johns face (p***pot helmet) scuffed and hopping across Paul road yelping so funny. :D

  3. Personal feeling is that it would be better to organise a non competitive holiday. While there may be some who relish the competition, there will be plenty others put off by it.

    Dare I also say that competitions tend to bring out the very worst behaviour in people, and with a £20K carrot, the incentive to be less than scrupulous might well be there. Don't judge everyone by your personal standards, there are some real t**ts out there who would go a long way for that prize money, especially if they have had to front up a sizeable wedge of their own, just to be able to take part.

    By having a relaxed and informal journey of like minded souls, it would still raise the profile and even have the potential to still attract sponsorship. Centralised recovery and help for flyers would reduce the required infrastructure, together with the number of ground crews, desperately trying to get from point x to point y in order to refuel their pilot.

    That is all not to say that there couldn't be competitive elements, like nav and economy built in, and maybe even a planned day of stick kicking half way through.


    You do talk a load of sense Phil i am with you on this so here's my take on this why not reduce the cost of the holiday take a small amount of the cash for the club as i feel the benefit of getting so many of us together socialising far out weighs the fact for 20 grand i might just nip out of my tent and try and kill and eat the current leader and the one in second and third and so on as greed tends to rear its ugly head.

    Any way i am ok at the moment because there's not 20 grand on it lol, but a cracking idea though Simon but for me lose the prize money/ gifts it just does not need it in my opinion, Alan.

  4. This post is quite an interesting debate to me as i recently broke my propellers and i have a parajet. The reason for my breakage was down to me fitting a kicking strap and on take off i got one foot over the top of the rope causing me to hop i desperately tried to kill the engine but fell over and dinged the tips of my propeller.

    I have since removed the strap which i used to get into my harness but after watching that dell chap demonstrate his flat top i have to say i would not have been £300 out of pocket(score Dave). However do i rate my Parajet yes(score Simon) but there is an area those helpful chaps at parajet can explore a wider gap between propeller and cage, after all if dell can do it i am sure Giles can.

    Incidentally i did think of trying an aluminium spacer on my machine any thoughts as this may possibly save a propeller in case of a stumble cheers Alan.

  5. Hello Dave,

    I finally flew my fusion for the first time in 3 weeks today myself and Mark who flies an apco thrust took off from Leven airfield and did a cross country flight of 33 miles over flying were i live.

    I must say it felt great to be back in the air again after some awful weather and as a big bonus i have just swapped my harness on my parajet and the new one with a slightly different set up flew perfectly in a straight line on full reflex and no hands.

    It also weight shifted a lot better so all in all a great day cheers Alan.

  6. The only good thing if you can call it good is you have not missed any great flying weather Pete. The bluetooth gadget on the other post does it also work the wireless on the mobile when in that mode, wireless meaning radio cannot get out of calling it a wireless.

    I tried the link to it but it said it had been removed cheers Alan.

  7. I wish this weather would break :(

    I only manage to fly at weekends and this month I have only managed 2hrs

    On the 4th I got 1hr in and had to avoid a rain cloud on the way back to T/O site,

    and on the 25th I had my 3rd flight with the Winterton paramotors(Terry & Glyn) and flue over a steam traction rally which was nice to see something going on bellow ( have a look on You Tube at Winterton Paramotors 5 & 6 for my previous flights with them )

    I wish this weather would break

    mark :)

    Look on the bright side Mark I have saved a fortune on props he he and my knee's getting better i have took the kicking strap trip hazard off and also put the harness on i bought off Trevor.

  8. It's a 1 Square cm Fusion mate, he is already on full slow trim.

    SW :D

    Forgot to say Simon i know you said he is on full slow trims but just to be safe make sure you check his tip steering lines when he comes in ha ha, Alan.

  9. Hi Dan.

    Something that interests me with a new wing is how much speed is available with trimmers only. Some companies like to have a lot of extra speed on the speed bar, but thats a pain flying XC with speed bar on for a long time. I think Apco build a lot into the speed bar. Also there is all the extra bits dangling ready to trip you over or get caught in the props etc. Reaction TST is a great wing, but the Synth is faster when both are used without speed bar. I am the same weight all up as a mate of mine and I have to use a bit of speed bar to keep up when he is on full trims out.

    What I would like to know is the real non-speed bar speeds of the GT, Fusion and Nucleon with the same set-up.



    PS: My customer Air Cruiser is still superb!

    Hello Mike,

    How are you and the misses? fine i hope dreadful weather were having so i have been on here a lot lately i asked that question to Alanhinsaudi on a different post but have so far not got an answer.

    He flies the fusion with a speed bar and i was interested in knowing the answer as one of my friends has just had a mishap on snowdonia with his speed bar so i have been weighing up the options cheers Alan

  10. Hello Alan,

    That sounds fantastic the weather here has been dreadful you lucky man do they need any builders out there my late father worked in Saudi for a number of years.

    Can you tell me the difference in speed between the speed bar on and off i have not flown with a speed bar on my paramotoring wing, although when i take it to Montenegro in September for a thermalling holiday i will be fitting the speed bar in paragliding mode, i am hoping that all the hype about the fusion being a duel purpose wing is true and i don't get laughed of the hill with my tail between my legs cheers, Alan.

  11. Hello all,

    I have gone with the heat shrink on the line idea and will be flying my Fusion on Saturday so i will keep you informed we also did a revolution wing in the same way as his wts lines were slipping down the B line quite freely.

    I did re tighten the knot on the line and it did grip more securely but once it had been left a while you could move it with little resistance.

    Hopefully this will cure it but as gary freefly says i am disappointed that this problem and it is a problem is not engineered out by the manufacturer before we splash our hard earned cash on an expensive wing.

    Also the revolution wing is the second wing owned by our cfi and the first one did the same with this knot and became a pre flight check so fly safe and all paramania wing owners include this as your pre flight check, Alan

  12. To be honest Dave when we spoke i forgot about the nucleon which has got some great features on it like offset the torque from your paramotor adjuster and bearings on your break lines.

    the only reason i did not pick this one was i wanted one wing to do both so hopefully the fusion will i know Simon had said he was hoping to get some feedback off some paragliding pilots on the fusion but if i just wanted a paramotoring wing i would have kept the synthesis. Alan.

  13. Well it was ok for an hour this afternoon so we made use of it. Didn''t go far cos windy aloft and bit bumpy for foot drags but grabbed a few wingovers to keep the lines tight and enjoyed the view I've missed so much. My hill wing's too slow for much else so eager for a fast one. Waved goodbye to my 1976 Kawasaki KZ 1000 today so that will buy the lions share of me new wing. Mate looked good on it and his money feeels great in my pocket! :o)

    Hello Dave,

    So which Reflex wing is it going to be then? a synthesis or a fusion perhaps or have you another in mind, Alan.

  14. Pete,

    As its not flyable and you have a bit of spare time on your hands can you help me with a dilemma please, you see i am a builder and i have just been given a contract with the local authority for some sign's to be made and put up.

    Problem is how do you do "please do not touch" in braille thanks in anticipation Alan.

    A spoken message operated by a movement sensor :D

    Pete b

    You clever man but unfortunately most are deaf as well probably something they ate lol, Alan.

    Then you would add a mechanical fist to punch them in the mouth :D

    Excellent that made me laugh but i don't think i would have the contract long but didn't Glen Hoddle say it was a punishment from a former life, lol.

    Come to think about it he got sacked as well and its not as though they could identify me ummmm Alan.

  15. Pete,

    As its not flyable and you have a bit of spare time on your hands can you help me with a dilemma please, you see i am a builder and i have just been given a contract with the local authority for some sign's to be made and put up.

    Problem is how do you do "please do not touch" in braille thanks in anticipation Alan.

    A spoken message operated by a movement sensor :D

    Pete b

    You clever man but unfortunately most are deaf as well probably something they ate lol, Alan.

  16. Pete,

    As its not flyable and you have a bit of spare time on your hands can you help me with a dilemma please, you see i am a builder and i have just been given a contract with the local authority for some sign's to be made and put up.

    Problem is how do you do "please do not touch" in braille thanks in anticipation Alan.

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