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Posts posted by AndyB

  1. 1 hour ago, Steve said:

    You can mount a GoPro with good quality velcro between the mount and helmet, if you get slack lines at any point the camera should rip away. 

     But most people don't want to risk losing their camera so they add in a lanyard or some other tie to keep the camera safe.....I have seen them many times.......and I had one!

  2. 6 hours ago, Pilot Paul said:

    Thanks Andy, didn’t think of that as I see so many helmet cam clips on YouTube!

    Do you use straps to chest mouth it?

    Yes. You can get a kit for £14 ish on Ebay that contains every mount/strap you can think of. It was when I was flying with Skyschool last summer, they made remove my camera as they would not allow it when flying with them.

  3. I stopped using my helmet mount after being shown what happens when lines get tangled around it! Now attach to chest or knee. I had it attached using ope of the GOpro sticky mounts, with holes and bolts drilled thought it to make sure it stayed put.

  4. The prime issue I see is that this a dangerous sport. Many pilots end up in A&E. This is not the time to end up in A&E. Yes, you can probably convince yourself that flying is your daily exercise. It isn't, that's just your excuse. There are many ambiguous things at the moment, such as what type of work still has to done. I don't think flying is.  I find now is the time that actions separate the responsible from the irresponsible. 

    Stay safe, be safe, don't put yourself at risk, don't put others at risk because you can't stop flying for a while.

    • Like 1
  5. I can no longer foot launch as my spine is now bent 45 degrees forwards, so I cannot stand up straight enough. The last time I tried to launch the thrust just pushed me into the ground. I am now bored waiting for surgery, which now looks even more unlikely for some time. So, I am building a trike.

    This is lightweight, to help me moving it around, and comes to bits in seconds using pip pins. I am also making 2 sets of axles/wheels, one with beach wheels and one with foam filled tyres. Progress so far:















    • Like 2
  6. 39 minutes ago, steelmesh said:

    I'm taking the Spain APPI Pilot Course through SkySchool in a couple months, is there a problem with SkySchool in Spain?!


    Skyschool are great. Excellent instructors and the APPI course is aimed to leave you confident to fly on your own. One thing people seem to forget about the training courses is that APPI requires 15 powered flights before you can pass your pilot course. The BHPA Club Pilot qualification only needs 5 flights (I think, maybe someone can reply?) as it is intended that you then go and fly in a club. So when people are taking the micky out of foreign training and saying that trainees come back and need more training....well in many cases that is because they have not done 15 flights yet!!!!!

    I trained with Skyschool over 2 one week periods and have flown with them twice since then on their adventures. Really great bunch.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Magnus Törnvall said:

    Custom in the sense that I was planning on putting an EOS engine on the Air conception delta frame. 😊 So not very custom. 

    Although, I'm curious about the total weight of the Air conception machines. They claim very low weight everywhere, and the Miniplane is still just as light. The numbers don't add up. 

    So a Miniplane ABM with EOS 100 and the AC soft fuel tank should make for a very light setup. 17.5ish kg. 

    Just keep the thrust line (centre of prop) in the same position and ensure the prop is set back the same distance from the hoop. If different motor is higher power then torque is more. If torque is a lot different then more anti-torque needed, but this can usually be increased or decreased by simply having slightly different hang point on one side ie if torque pulls to the right then move the left hang point a little further back, then your weight will lean more on that side and hence compensate. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Magnus Törnvall said:

    I've been flying for five years and haven't had to power launch yet, so that's not a problem. 

    Ideally I would like my new engine to be light, comfortable and easy to maintain. 

    Top 80 on ABM frame is on the list. It just nags me that I could get a motor that weigh almost 5 kg less with custom parts. But I'm also not very technical so there's that. 😊

    I'm also on the fence about belt drive. It feels like yet another finicky thing that needs attention every now and then. 

    Cas, if you had to choose one of your setups, which one would you keep? 

    My AC Nitro belt has been tightened twice in 78 hours. It takes under 5 minutes and I did it in a field in the middle of France last year when it started slipping.

  9. 3 hours ago, cas_whitmore said:

    Just to add you can’t power launch with these frames , , the hoop/ring will flex enough to hit the prop , but you do need to if you get trained 😉

    I have been power launching AC for 18 months - it is the only way I can take off with  bad back. The Nitro I can use full power and my arms are strong enough to hold the lines clear of frame. The Tornado needs more gentle application of power.

  10. 3 hours ago, paraflyer17 said:

    I did. 15 flights required! BHPA club pilot is 5 I believe.

    Perhaps I was right and it isn't purely a UK vs Spain thing.

    Me too. APPI 15 flights with Skyschool.

    However, it was not until about flight 40 that I started to feel more relaxed and really comfortable. Since I live in the north of the UK there are no schools and no other people here to fly with. So, I went to the PMC and Parafest fly-ins and spent hours listening. I also followed the Paramotor Bible closely and constantly read about all the stuff I needed to know. Every flight I went out with the aim of practising just one thing I have red about. eg. It took about 15 flights to active flying sorted and be able to fly a foot off the ground, for ever.

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