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Posts posted by garyfreefly

  1. At long last its all come together nearly a year ....of heartache , puzzled

    expressions, lots and lots of learning, and tearing my hair out, its now time to enjoy my

    creation...........was I very very nervous...as I lined on the runway ! :? ( JUST A BIT ) would it fly or would I die :shock::shock:

    Ps my ankle is healing well I can even nearly RUN now so hope to be back paramotoring soooooon

  2. Rigger said

    Yeah great video, must admit its one place where I would love to fly, that and 90 mile beach in NZ..

    90ml beach ive driven it." paraglided part of it " flown it in a plane " and surfed all over it " But it would be an epic paramotor flight that I also have had wet dreams about ( shhh)

    getting the motor all that way though ! not going to be cheap

    # perhaps next year

  3. Some things are more important than work,............ :? its a 22 + hour flight so I am willing to have a go at learning to fly a copter on an Ipad simulator I usually pick up things pretty quick :P or ive got a mate with a microlight who could film and we could pretend it was filmed from a radio controlled helicopter :twisted: NZ is always worth going to even in the winter....(which is often better than our summer) :shock:

  4. Quote ....

    Good points- personally I use 10 litre diesel plastic containers- but going to change to 5 litre metal containers- even before I read this.

    Nooooo dont do it ! ! ..use the plastic ones.. I had a fare few of those metal jerry cans for the microlight years ago when I used to stop at the petrol station I used to fill up 70 + litres at one go....every single one of them eventually got bits of flakey stuff coming out of them when fueling up ....and I wasnt the only one to have this problem we all use plastic 20 litre ones now ....never had a problem since..

  5. Hello Ive been lying low for a while....whilst learning how to walk again after my paramotor accident 1year and 2 months now :( I have however been a busy busy bee getting myself back into microlighting (( FORCED TO )) and have just made myself a SSDR trike and have also become a UK importer of Ace Aviation wings (Delta Wings)....I figured rather than have all those lines waiting to get caught up in my prop in a Paratrike I might as well have a wing that wont get anything caught up with the Prop .... :? Hence the wing choice....

    So Ive just gone through the process of registering the trike and wing with the CAA and obtaining insurance Via the BHPA £100.00 pound ish for a year I was a member of the BMAA but with the cost of that and separate insurance it worked out around £300 dearer and it brought back all those memories of why

    Years ago I switched from microlights to Paramotoring Because of all the ( youve got to have this you carnt do this because of that,.. this needs a certificate.. oops that needs a permit to fit..That camera you have fitted to the wing needs a mini mod certificate to be legal ... Blah Blah Blah Bullsh*t

    Paramotoring was freedom from all that paper shuffling.. I see it as the thin end of the wedge....and I for one and I am sure not the only one point blank refuse to register a paraglider wing or paramotor wing

    (assuming that one day I can return to my preferred way of flying ) ie run again.

    Before we know it we will be forced to fly with Transponders and with that comes the ability to CHARGE by the Hour..

    However if you do want paramotor insurace I think The work Simon has done should be applauded


    But I think the Caa will have opened a can of worms if they insist on wing reg for Rag wings its just not the same as other forms of flying,,how many wings do you have I had 5 at one time and test flew loads and one got used just 2 time a year enough said


  6. interesting this one Simonini say in their handbook not to use TTS......I always used it with the Ros engined pap..........they say ONLY use a semi synthetic.....with their engines or they may not cover you for any warranty issues...

    Ps ( I do know the answer ) :? but I am seeing if anybody else also knows :?::wink::wink::P

  7. Simon said.......isnt that a game :?:

    I did wonder how they knew it was terror?

    They might not have flown away in terror But they were certainly in a bit of a ..FLAP :lol::lol::lol:

  8. this is almost a reconstruction of another post on this forum......... :?

    so I will say it again I asked nearly 10 years ago this question to a leading paraglider producer ago

    Why dont paragliders have a inflatable leading edge as to me (not having a clue at that stage anything about the dark art of paragliding) it just seemed a good idea .....to cut a long story short I was laughed at and told it wouldnt work as it would make the wing far to dynamic when all goes wrong and it would be totally uncontrolable .........if it collapsed :( my responce was that if it has a inflatable edge it might not collapse in the first place :P .........I was rather rudely ignored and he went away to somebody who was waving a fiver at him (big money in those days) .....and yet here we go somebody has actually made a wing with a inflatable leading edge ...............Have I got a vision of the future :shock:

    :lol: if so watch this space as solid wings and helium inflated wings or at least parts of the wings will become helium inflated so we can all take off without ever having a failed takeoff again :coptor:

    For I have seen the Future :idea:

  9. I wonder what the legal situation is about taking off on common land or beaches below high water mark ,,

    or even parks (as long as the 500ft rule is maintained ) because the way I understand it common land can be accessed by the public so you have a right to be there wheather its with your dog/horse /kite/ect or with a paramotor and wing ...

    What I mean is that if you can legally be there what rule stops you taking off :?

    whilst driving on a deserted small road in Scotland.. ( alledgedly ) somebody took off in one of those passing places and then an hour or so of the most epic flying ever landed back in that very same passing place :wink: I mean they had just been there with a car / pushbike /motorbike/skateboard

    because that person had a right to be on that road with a paramotor and wing what law had been broken

    if any had :P

    I am not trying to say it might be ok to take off on the M6 if there is nobody about . common sence says it isnt

    But What really is the Legal angle on this does any Really no ( Yet ) :?

    I mean has any body ever been prosecuted :?::?:

  10. 1.....Peteb: same dimensions! Here's hoping then!

    Gary: where are you in N wales?

    Near Abersoch

    2.....which brings us to that little voice in your head

    always listen to that little voice, it will keep you alive and in one piece

    gary knew he was setting up in a tight spot, the voice told him

    gary chose to ignore the voice.......

    I didnt need to listen to the little voices I was a Sky god ( NOTE ).....**WAS** .....lesson learnt

    I also Blame the music I was listening to ( I believe I can Fly ). :lol: ..on that day I couldnt


  11. my 7Girlfried is right ( Shes always right ) :wink:

    She told me when I started to take up paramotoring and the microlighting took a back seat, that the way she saw it the downside of this new hobby was the lack of good strong landing gear...She pointed out that in her mind wheels were always going to be safer......for years and years I took great pride in proving her wrong and that her Initial worries were unfounded in my mind I became a Sky God :oops::oops: cockyness and over confidence in my ability ( It happens to everybody ) even you :shock:

    eventually took its sweet revenge on a stupidly tight take off that I should have walked away from brought me back to mother Earth with a bang.........8 1/2 months on from that one mistake that one bad landing will now live with me for ever....its not damped my enthusiasm to fly one little bit and the Micro has swung back into action , but never again will I be able to land on my feet ( or take off for that matter ) not out of choice but because the damage done to my leg/ankle/ foot wont be going away ....I am lucky to be able to walk and to still have a foot to walk on ( I had to sign a form before emergency surgery that said if they couldnt fix it they could take it off ) :o So No way on earth am I ever going to think about footlaunch again

    Bring on those wheels :P:P

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