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Posts posted by s1buell_wl

  1. How would the scam go down?

    If they send you money via paypal and credit it will show up in your account. But if they use money transfer this takes 7day to confirm. If they do a cash transfer I could see the scam happening. They make the transfer, they pick up the wing. 6 days later the transaction fails because they do not have the funds to transfer.

    If you want to play with them send them your email for transfer. I bet it will be a cash transfer from account. They tell them you need to wait until the cash clears and watch them try to bullshit their way out.

    Once you have his contact info report him to paypal.


  2. Now you have my curiosity. I don’t think a collapse is normal in a quick high wind turn.

    Was the wind coming in from the sea? How many kns/mph was it? How sharp was the turn really? Do you remember what your hands where doing on the brakes at the time? What was your trim? Wing type? What’s your wing loading?

    I was out just on Sunday in 10kns and I did many steep turns. I like turning fairly hard picking up speed then catching the uplift when reentering the direct wind. However when doing this you need to let the wing catch up with the wind speed and weight shift etc.

    But a collapse during this in stable air…. I have a hard time understanding how this happen.

    Anyone else?

  3. My little girl passed me some flu that was close to ammonia and took me totally off-line for the past two weeks (as far as sports go anyway). Saturday I got up coughed up a lung and started my normal morning stuff coffee, cough, egg’s, cough then more coffee follow by more F’n coughing.

    As I look out on the water I saw a beautiful flying day staring back at me.

    At 3pm I pulled the plug went down to the truck connected the mini and headed out to a flying location. Once I was there the wind had picked up to 8-10kns. I thought it might be a bit strong but I looked over and seen three guys ridge souring (I thought to myself you SOB’s) off came the motor and out came the wing.

    I thought….. you know what I could pull off a nice fly just take it easy nothing crazy. It gets dark here around 5-530 now It was about 4:00pm with 8-10kns still.

    Wing snapped right up one step and we’re flying wooooo hooooo. Did a little buzzing around until the sun begin to set. I had this idea of watching the sun set to silence. This is something I’ve not done since I moved to Brazil (almost 3 years)

    I made my way over to a little ridge of trees that none of the free flight guys can get to. Took some time to check the lift and see how this might work for some free flight, too my surprise the little ridge was putting out tons of lift with little turbulence.

    Turned off the motor slowed the wind down as slow as it would go and there I was. I was almost able to stop and just watch the beauty of the landscape as the sun slowly fell behind the mountains. After losing myself in the moment (an hour moment lol) it was almost dark before I managed to get the wing to fly away from this ridge dam thing… just would not leave!!!

    This view and feeling is what you just cannot explain to people when they ask you why you fly!

    Cheers, Cough hack cough


  4. You would have to be a bigger shop selling 2k units at least per year. I wonder what the big names are selling per year if it’s over 2k then PPG should be lower in price.

    China will fire up production for 1000 units of just about anything.

    I think you guys are right in that the small shops that are doing it now want to stay local and are not being push really hard to lower cost.


  5. Your 100% right we get !@#$ed

    You know what back in the days when they were developing etc I could see it but now.... there is just no justification if you ask me. To make matters worse I fly a miniplane (it has nothing).

    With mass production where it is….. someone is making a good $. I know you could outsource every part to china and produce the unit for 1k maybe 1.5k. Most of the eng’s are already mass produced so producing the frames…… nothing.

    Too much coffee (my rant for the morning)

  6. http://www.para-test.com/index.php?opti ... &Itemid=49

    130 at 4.19 man thats nice!

    http://www.para-test.com/index.php?opti ... &Itemid=49

    Same opening time as Gin 5sec

    I did not see where it opened in 2sec

    1.9k is not to bad

    But the Gin comes down at 5.5 5.4 allot faster.

    I like it!

    I have the Supair Ultra Light M and I had the same probelm (little heavy on it with motor) I want to pick up a large and put the M back on my gliding harness. I also have the gin large but its like a brick its so heavy. Its 2.6k (anyone want to buy it? I have a med supair gliding harness too like new lol.

    I really like the Supair Xtralite Large at 1.3k.


    For me it packs up really small and fits under the ABM arm of the miniplane. I like the idea of over head chute but the thought of panic, being wipped around and trying to find the handle of my resurve over head does not work for me. I like it under my arm easy to access and grap/throw.


  7. I did the samething with my Lipo charger last night. I was converting a server power supply into a nice 300w 30amp 12v power supply.

    5min before not thinking I grabbed the wrong power supply and pluged it in. Two seconds later and the magic smoke got out and that was that. Good thing it was just the $10 charger.

    However just my luck its the last working charger I had..... My new one is not here yet.... !@#$ I really wanted to test the new power supply but I will have to wait now.

    So I'm shut down.

    nice radio too!!!! I have the dx6i I would love to have the 8.

    You should be able to get parts online

    http://www.digikey.com/whats-new.page?s ... link#list1

  8. From Jason at hull:

    Hi everyone

    I'm putting a trip together to return to Sheffield to fly Ladybower dam, famous for the bombing tests of the 617 squadron of the dam busters crew.

    Dates 14th September/16th September. I have arranged camping at the Sportsman Inn at Lodge Moor sheffield, The take off site is 1000 feet above sea level and has fantastic veiws over the peak district there is also a free flying site just a few miles up the road.

    The Sportman inn cooks really good home made food and beer to die for, camping is free all weekend as last time all I ask is just buy a few beers over the weekend at the bar.

    Come on Boys and Girls this is a great weekend not to be missed.

    anyone intrested please post on this thread so I can put some numbers together.


    sounds just up my street mate, unfortunately its not, I am am hundreds of miles away, otherwise I would have been all over this like a rash, safe flying :D

    Any more than 50 miles and the sock gets all tangled up in the steering wheel. Put some pants on and go!

  9. Does anyone use these? I want to mount mine on the back of my earmuff. My question is,

    Would the unit work ok if I'm flying run into some thermals and turn it on. As you may know when you turn one on it make a noise and I beleive it's calibrating itself. Can it calibrate inflight?

  10. It's been very hot over here for the past couple of weeks but this morning was a lot cooler, so up the field to get airborne :!:

    There was a fair headwind but the air was lovely and COOL. Had 36 minutes in the air before it was starting to get thermic:


    Cheers, Alan

    Alen is it nice thermic in your area or broken shit thermic?

    I love going up in the nice thermic conditions, but on the cost I need to watch it the thermic activity can be broken bullet type, makes the ass go tight :shock:

    Morning termals are normally nice.

  11. Wow when I seen this post all the bad ideas came rushing in

    How Often Do You Do It ??????

    Well as much as I can or the wife will let me! If she says no then I feed her wine untill she says yes!

    "I do sometimes miss an opportunity when the wind drops an hour before sunset ( and I've already had a beer)." there's always Viagra.....

    I should be blind by now..... I think thats a lie! Outcast said it's a lie too.....



  12. Best way I found but not the most cost effective :wink:

    Take the wife out for a nice supper Monday, Wednesday clean the carpet..... :) Friday deliver the gift. Saturday have her pick you up in the middle of nowhere....

    Poz is right for the most part. We do a lot of driving to a new location and buzzing around. I don’t think I've ever ran the mini out of gas. Close a few times.

    My main problem’s have been to find a place to land take a whizzzz and take off again.

    In all seriousness we lean on some friends, I have some buddies that dont like to fly but love to hang out on a sunny day by the beach have a few beers (you have to supply this for the pickups) drive the truck over to pick you up or refuel if your going long.



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