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Everything posted by DavidG4

  1. Simon, yes. Were abouts will you be? D
  2. Where was this? I'm.in Salisbury and would like to get I to pm (I've done some pg) but never EVER see pm drivers to chat to. Ever. It's as if they're the most secretive bunch of humans created. David
  3. I'm in Salisbury, have a club paraglider 'rating' but out of recency, weigh 114kg and falling (will be sub 100 by summer) and want to learn to paramotor. Does the club have equipment I can learn on? Can i fly mid week? What are the rates?? David
  4. Simon, Im very keen now to have a bash at PPG. I have a CP winch and CP slope in PG, from Cloudbase, I have all the PG kit and my wing is a Team 5 Green. I dont know how much of my kit will suit PPG but can I come and see you sometime and perhaps discuss / start conversion training? Where are you and when do you teach? Im in salisbury David
  5. Pianoman, .editors ALWAYS need stuff...words and pictures. They usually pay you as well (maybe 100 quid per thousand words). Don't wait till "youve got the experience". You can write NOW about your experiences NOW. Remember, whatever stage youre at there's always someone behind you wanting to learn and if you write well, there'll always be willing readers. Remember Propeller Head, the book? That was well written and read by wannabees, learners and experienced pilots the world over. D
  6. Hi guys, Names David, location's Salisbury. Ive done a days tow training with a local PG school (very good experience, good fun, but badly defeated by Wx this year and havent flown since April!!! Been reading Paramotor magazine at work and thinks to meself, mmm, that might be even MORE fun!!! My son is 17 and he wants to do it too!! I do a lot of flying in other ways so Im used to getting my feet off the ground so I mustnt grumble, but like all good pilots I DO grumble!! Anyway, I might go and see Simon soon I think. What wind limits do we need Simon? David
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