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PMC Fly-in 2015 after thoughts.


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Thank's to everyone who come to this years summer fly-in.

I would say it had the best atmosphere of any fly-in I have ever been too. :-) That can only be put down to the people who attended! 'It's the pilots that make the party' :-)

It was great to catch up with loads of you again!

A massive thanks to all for respecting the land and airspace. The field was left in a 'leave no trace' condition, not one complaint, not one broken prop or plaster issued.

Nothing but happy people all weekend!

Again, THANKS to all who did :-) :-)


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Bugger, missed the engine! And Pete!!

Well done again Simon, clearly a lot of time & effort had gone into your fly-in and it paid off in spades. Don't know how you arranged the weather, could hardly have been better; thoroughly enjoyed my flight over foreign parts as a result.

Special mention for the Pigs Ear ale and the marvellous beef curry - glad I was in a tent for one...


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I am still buzzing :-)

I am genuinely thankful to you and everyone else for turning up. the crowd was just perfect :-) :-)

That was the fly-in that I had been dreaming of since we started running them. I love the fact that people were camping close together and instead of lots of little clicks of people there was just one massive social going on around the fire pit. That's what made it for me :-)


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So you were in Norfolk over the weekend, Simon?

I was travelling west along the M4 on Saturday and saw a gaggle of six PPG`ers overhead (always good to see other paramotorists) as i approached Membury, assumed it was Paramotorclub, so i pulled in to the services for a look-see expecting to find a busy school field - there was no-one there!

Only after i had stopped could i get a proper view and they appeared to be flying north of the motorway, anyway.

Do you still use the same field adjoining the services, it looks like it has changed quite a bit recently with the addition of the solar farm?

I was quite surprised to see anyone up there - quite stong conditions i would imagine being in the middle of the day and quite windy, too strong for me anyway, i prefer it nice`n`quiet in the evening!

I was on my way to a bike doo and detoured via Fairford to see the Vulcan etc first.

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