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Just joined the forum after spending the last 3 months snooping around trying to figure out how to get some air under my feet.

Well came across the site and found Norman lives down the road from me, so joined the Somerset Brach Forum, one day hope to meet up with Norman and of course Simon and the guys up at lambourn.

Spend most of my time sitting in big birds travelling world for work and saw some guys landing on the beach front in Cape Town, that got me thinking what a great way to learn to fly, PPL don't interest me, to expensive and running costs after qualifying are high. Paramotoring seems to be the answer, just got to persuade the wife to let me go for it......

Any way got to run,


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Hi Foxy, I will catch you on Skype before we get too much older. My plan is to drag you across to have a look and a go at Kiting, I have a Paramania Revolution you can use and my harness should fit. All you need is a crash hat and some gloves and I am sure we could root some of those out.



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Seems to be the story of our lives, time never seems to be enough. I did hear once that we should all be born at the other end of life, that being born old and getting younger as the years pile on, that way we have wisdom when we are young and foolhardy as we get older, to do things like Paramotoring and such exciting things, when the years get to many and we need to call in the firebrigade to put the candles out on the birthday cake.

Simon, thanks for the welcome, great site, some great reading, will watch out for the reports on the tip to tip, afraid I will be down in Brazil that week on vacation yippie.......


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