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The British Open 2015, Discovery Group

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Hi Guys

Ever wondered what it must be like to compete or to fly a task and to even have a go.

A new laid back approach, grass roots paramotoring The Discovery Group.

Fly a set tasks when you want, No early starts, No long briefings, and with less restrictions than The Open.

Run by our own world champion Michel Carnet and the support of Alex Anderson, they will help you in every step.

The Discovery Group could open up new possibilities for YOU as a pilot.

The Discovery Group will run on the same dates as The Open at Mersea Island 30th May 2015.

If you need any help please let me know

Cheers Paul Smith

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Both great and refreshing news, AND a brilliant idea! :-)

So this is it guys and girls, if your interested in seeing what it's like to both watch the top notch pilots having a go, and having a go yourself in a guided and mellow stylee this is a good thing for you to think about attending. :-)

This is the first year (to my knowledge) that this has been done, and it will need supporting by pilots like YOU! :-) (insert pointy finger)

Any questions, comments? Post below.


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This is a really great idea...

I hope to see loads of new comp pilots coming into the comp scene.. For anyone interested but worried your not good enough to compete please put your fears worries aside, there is a huge wealth of knowledge and experience, I am sure every experienced pilot at the comp would help you out as much as possible..

You might just surprise your self, I know I did in my first comp season..


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Mainly because of the 'discovery group' idea. I am very happy and proud that the PMC is to be one of the sponsors of this years British Open in an effort to encourage some of the newer pilots to have a go :-) :-)

If your interested but want a little more information post here. :-)


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Hi all.

Just a little note to say that five years ago I was in the same position as many of you, learning how to forward and reverse launch, what was reflex and all the other areas of how to fly a paramotor. I am now very proud to say that I have gone from a PMC student, to a member of the British team.

Becoming a member of the team came purely from doing well at my first comp. Now I'm not saying that you will all become team members, or that you would even want to, but take it from me, comps are GREAT fun. You are with like minded people who WILL NOT judge you and are very willing to help and give advice.

The Discovery group has now made it even easier to get into the comp scene so come on, have a go, it's a whole new reason to go flying :wingover:

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  • 4 weeks later...

An awesome update to this thread!! :-)

Treehopper (Jamie) who posted above, is currently in first place of the British Comps !!




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To all those people who are nervous about doing a comp, they shouldn't be.

I done my first comp last year and learnt a huge amount. I went straight into the British Open last year and enjoyed every minute of it, although it was a very steep learning curve. Now there is an opportunity to do the discovery alongside the main comp it gives an excellent opportunity to learn without taking a big step.

This was my second Open comp and again it was enjoyable, I improved my skills and gained experience, and managed 2nd place.

Everybody is willing to help, without judging you.

So it proves that if you put the effort in you too can achieve.

Paul Martin

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