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I have just been chatting with a very good friend in New Zealand (South island) His day to day life consists of the following:

Sky dive, bungi, jet boat, 4wd4ws, kiting, mtb, surfing, pg, ppg, speedwings, sailplanes, trail bikes. :-) All of the water based kit (inc jet boat) and most of the other items he has, and he lives next to a massive lake (like MASSIVE)

Anyhoo... we chatted about the idea of a once in a lifetime kind of holiday for adventure sorts, but rather than limit it to flying, venture into some other areas as well. :-)

The main issue here is not organising it as such, but it's knowing if people would be interested in what would be an expensive trip to New Zealand? (return flights are around the £1000 mark) And I suspect by the time accom and events are all sorted you could add another £1000 to that. :shock:

I have been to the NZ both North and South Islands, and the South of the South is just amazingness! Anyone who has been there will agree I am sure! :-)

This is just a post to gauge the general interest as it's quite a different holiday to the normal ones we run.


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