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Help from the heart.


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Guys and girls.....

As I have mentioned a couple of times in the past.... I have been following Christian Around Britain for the last 6 months or so.


He is walking around the coast of the UK (and has been for over a year and still has about a year left!) to raise money (over £100k so far) and awareness for homeless ex serviceman. (of which there are many)

He is living in a homeless stylee... and has recently reached Scotland (just in time for the winter)

He has no money, or food and as I see it, will not survive a Scot winter on the coast with the kit he currently has.

I would like the Paramotor Club to show some support by buying him a nice warm place to sleep each night. ( a decent sleeping bag! at least)

Can you afford to help in any way? please pledge your amount below so that we can kit him out.

There will be no fame or fortune attached to this donation other than your post here hence the post ( help from the heart )

Don't be shy!

This is what were after !!! http://www.thenorthface.co.uk/tnf-uk-en ... g-bag.html I will donate my Gore-tex bivi bag (sleeping bag outer) if we can make it to £290.

This is not a bad spend, I have had one of these before and used it in the Sahara where the temp changes from +50c to -5c in 24 hours!

I know this is not Paramotor related, so this is mainly a call out for friends to help me help someone.

Pledge your amount below PLEASE.


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Recent blog from Christian.

"Over the last few weeks/months I've had it easy with the weather. This was how it was for me for weeks on end during the wettest year on record for 100 years, when I was on the South West Coast path just before Christmas last year. A time before I had the help or support I have now. I suppose I better start getting used to living like this day in day out again."


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I understand your disappointment Si.

However, in my case I already donate by DD to several charities, I get regularly hassled outside the supermarket, my mail is full of emotional charity guilt blackmail and the radio and TV are full of charity begging, plus we're probably all skint on top of it. It's just one more and, no matter how worthy, I think it often gets greeted with 'oh no, not another one'.


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ps - I think asking people to publicly state their donation amount will discourage many if they can only afford a fiver and the person above them has donated £20. It might be all they can afford but they just look mean. Publish a total amount, not individual amounts maybe?

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I am going to try and blag one from someone instead. :-)

I get what you mean 100% about people always asking for charity money. It does get annoying.

I am sure if if spend a day on the phone I can achieve the desired end result. :-)


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