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Paramotor Sunset over Harworth

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Good Evening Guys,

So i was laid on the sofa watching a film and a mate text me asking if it was possible taking of from the market field in blyth, (his Grandads field )

Anyway i replies say i think you can but you would have to be in contact with Doncaster atc, as i sent the text i looked out the window and to my amazement i see a paramotor heading over my village (Harworth)

I just up grabbed my camera gear, jumped in the car and drove off down the road, Switched the Scanner on (Airband i have mounted in my car) as i presume he would have to be in contact with Doncaster ? to try and get a heads up where he was heading, i managed to get in from of him and grabbed a few shots :) here one of them ...


He then Landed Practically over the road behind the trees, i checked all the local fields but couldn't find him, would have loved a chat and passed on my details as i got the pics,

it was a blue wing if anyone has any idea who it was.



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