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Using Final cut X

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Hey Guys

I have a newish late 2012 Macbook pro 15 (lion OS), I have been editing my paramotor movies on Imovie and they are fine, moved onto Final Cut X and its dog slow, anyone who using it how have you configured your set up, Do you edit files which are on external drives, is 4gbs of ram enough.

I like mac but they aint half a pain in the ass sometimes. Going back to PC's after this macbook!!

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Hello mate,

stuff like this is pretty similar irrespective of whether it's PC or MAC. it's the amount of processing capacity, the amount of data you're shifting around and the amount of memory. Final Cut I would imagine uses a darn sight more memory than iMovie so you want to make sure you have anything else you might be running in the background turned off. If it's the the speed as it's creating the movie I would check that you've got all the latest codecs and again try and write the files to a local drive unless you're using USB 3 or the MAC equiv.

Sorry I can't be more help. My MAC is from 1990 (yep still working though not used daily) and I tend to do all my work on a PC nowadays.

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Ignore that PC junk chatter above!! ;-)

Final Cut X requires a 32bit system to work at a workable level.

I think you need an I7 processor for it to be 32bit???

I have an I7 laptop and it runs like silk.

Try using the Proxy files setting when importing. ;-)


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Final Cut X requires a 32bit system to work at a workable level.

I think you need an I7 processor for it to be 32bit???

I have an I7 laptop and it runs like silk.

Try using the Proxy files setting when importing. ;-)


I dont know about final cut but the I5 and i7 Processors are both 64 bit processors.

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final Cut Pro X with Motion and Compressor is a true pro solution to editing.

In my opinion and many many tv industry pros, it is as good as it gets and has ever been.

AND at about £1000 less than the next best software.!!!


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Mine is an i7 so should be able to handle it.

It has 4gbs of ram.. I just ordered 8 so that should help.

Do you guys when editing store your files on an external drive. On the forum they say it helps not to have the files you are editing on system drive.

I may have to call into the apple store to ask the spotty kids some FCX question.

Also if we are getting serious who has the apple cinema display, I am using the one in work and man its really a good display.

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Using an external drive works well.

The solution to your problem is to use Proxy files. It will speed everything up loads and then only render a full file size version of the footage when exported.

Your basically working with smaller files until you need them to be big. :-)

good explanation of how here...

http://www.larryjordan.biz/fcpx-working ... oxy-media/


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Cheers Simon, good read indeed.

Next question: Who uses compressor and does it make a difference for uploading material online. I know final cut x is a big step up from imovie takes a while to get the hang of it.

I would love to know why is it when general folk upload there videos online most look very compressed, while some look excellent. Also has anyone worked out how to automatically play videos in higher rate, you-tube always drops its to the lowest quality.



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FCPX has a compressor hidden in to the existing export settings. Most will not nee more than this.

You tube takes every other frame away when you upload to it. Try Vimeo as an alternative. :-)


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  • 1 month later...

Hey Guys

Finally managed to finish my video. I used Final cut x and compressor. Took a while to get the hang of it.

I upgraded to a 27 inch monitor, what a difference it made.

The video was shot in western Australia, I was going to make two video but it all ended just being one.

Simon way back you recommended the Paramania fusion 23m, finally got mine after some confusion and have to say I am very happy with it.

Vimeo quality is so much better, I am still convinced the gopro 3 clips on you tube look better, I am using gopro 2's which on paper are very similar.





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I can see you playing with all the FCPX toys :-)

A couple of tips if I may..

1. Try to reduce the level of stabilisation added (in the inspector you can adjust all 3 stability atributes)

2. Your slow mo stuff @ 2:40 odd, (there are options in FCPX on how you want it to perform the slow mo) Frame blending, Optical Smooth flow, and normal (which I think you selected as its the default) Have a go with the options :-)

There are loads of spotty kids on the tube happy to help you with their tutorials. Which I found very useful.


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