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If you dont already know, Skype is a way of calling other Skype users online for free. (and then some)


My Skype ID is 'Support Britain' so if you have it, look me up :D

Also, if you are involved in the Tip to Tip in any way, (ground crew, pilots, regional club founders) in particular, please download it as it is great for (free) conf calls.



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don't forget about the cheap calls, I use it for calls home from abroad, about 0.6 pence per minute from anywhere on the planet.

I have my account loaded onto a " U3 " flash memory, just plug the memory into a usb port, and connect your headphones at any internet cafe and away you go.

Best system available.

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...Best system available...

I bought a VOIP adapter for 6 quid off ebay which plugs into my router and then a normal phone plugs into that. This now gives a normal looking phone that is permanently attached to the internet. I use a free Voipfone account for that and another free Voipfone account for my laptop. I can now phone from overseas to my technophobe wife who now only has to answer that looks exactly like the one she's used to for absolutely nothing. She can call me overseas for free too as the calls never go outside the internet. Unlike Skype, Voipfone is an open network so you can phone other open networks. I have Skype too but why pay anything when you can do it for free!

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I'm just very, very tight!

Skype is brilliant for what it does but my missus is not very computer savvy and can't even get to grip with the expensive Linksys or Belkin handsets so I needed a set up that looks and smells like the phone system she's totally used to. I have put these sip voip adapters into all my family and friends houses as well so we all have a completely free phone system between us that is independent of the house phone. Also, you can put a sip client onto many modern pda's and smartphones so that whenever you get a free hotspot you can communicate anywhere in the world via your mobile, etc for free.

Skype would have been perfect if only:

1. they had used a codec that was compatible with other networks and made themselves an open network,

2. they had an adapter allowing a normal phone to connect to a router allowing always on connection without use of a PC like a sip system.

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Richie, ebay has loads under computing>networking>voip/internettelephones but the prices seem to have gone up to around 17 quid buy-it-now but much cheaper if you wait for an auction to end, especially if it ends in the middle of a weekday. Most of the adaptors now claim to be capable of both sip and Skype's unusual H323 codec such as:


I have sent a message to the retailer asking if it will support a Skype connection without using a permanently switched on PC and will let you know the result.

As it stands, this adaptor lets you have a phone (single or multiple, corded or cordless) that will both act as your regular phone and also internet phone via sip. If you join someone like voipfone (which is an open network) for free you can contact any other open network for no cost. Voipfone will also give your internet phone a free 'landline' number for normal phones to contact you at rates more or less equivalent to standard call costs so you could get rid of your land line if your internet connection is not dependent on it. I have been using Voipfone (voipcheap prior to that) for nearly 2 years now and am very pleased. For info on sip networks then look at:

www.sipbroker.com and www.voipfone.co.uk

I hope it does transpire that at long last a regular phone can be used with Skype without a PC as although Skype is not very common in other countries (sip is massive worldwide) it is what most Brits tend to use as Skype did a major PR campaign at exactly the right time. Unfortunately Skype use this H323 codec which nobody else uses and they do not give any support to multiple codecs like other networks so consequently there are no free calls to anyone outside themselves. If it does then I will buy one of these myself.

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Unfortunately I spoke too soon! Turns out Skype is still in the dark ages and you can't use it without a PC unless you buy one of the expensive an rather unimpressive Linksys or Belkin wifi jobs.

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