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Hi All, just thought I should say hello on the Newbie'rum'. Looking to get into this 'sport' as soon as possible, and would love to chat to anyone who has anything helpful to say (or can recommend a good local beer). I have absolutely no experience of flying through the medium of nylon and paracord (or an engine on your back!!) so anything you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Sport was in commas above not to take the pi$$ but because more than that, it appears to be a lifestyle choice!.

Thank you,


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You will find it is amazing. Total contact with the medium - you will love it - a real rush! 'Hell of a view and super visceral, not to mention just a bit physical.

Dip your toe - get a flexfoil power kite and get outside in a bit of a draft. Learn about the power band and get a feel for the strings. Not a bad way to get a fleeting feel for the idea at least of a canopy. Then beg, borrow or steal a wing and get a few pointers from someone who knows. Take the rig into a field and play away to your hearts content. Mastering the wing could take a lifetime but getting the DVD 'Playground' featuring Mike Kung would give you a bucket full of inspiration.

20080126-c3s97pty9dtggmkng67ephwn8b.jpgJust watch this guy on full screen with the volume turned down (and a favorite album on iTunes) and watch what he does. He has amazing control over the canopy, he makes a fantastic mentor.

Try this for a taster.

Over to you.

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I say balls to the flexi kite and just get a bit of training, if you like that, get a wing, if you like that gat a motor. :D

If you already have the buzz, just get someone who knows what they are doing to show you (An Instructor as a pref) and get it done ready for the summer.

Welcome to the Paramotor Club.


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Simon, Have you read my M yet??? :shock:

Um.... yes, I was processing it :D

Hope you like the site BTW :D:D


Bejesus. Stop Apologising.... I'm excited ,you've been doing it for years. Don't worry. A small informer in Singapore suggested I get in touch with you.

Many more Ideas,


Ahhh, my contact in Singapore :wink:

Going to the field in a short while for a fly, will chat later... on phone maybe?


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