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Buying a used PPG

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Is it a good idea or no. I am very set on getting one but with my current job I only pull in about $150.00 a week so it will be a while before I can actually get one. I am not really concerned about cosmetics but just functionality. What kind of things should I look out for? And about how much can I get a used paramotor and wing together for?

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First off tell folk where you are (location will help identify who or what may be in your locality). If you've got local instructors, the advice again, ask them.

Be careful buying off eBay etc, I'm not saying they're bad, but you don't really know what you're looking for yet.

Just keep asking the questions. Btw. Get training before you make ANY purchasing decisions.

Just my opinion

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I live 20 miles north of Philadelphia. And yes, all my final decisions will be heavily influenced by an instructor. But I like to gain a collective knowledge by reading and asking a lot of questions for comparison and contrast first. I like to make sure with things that could be life threatening.

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I live 20 miles north of Philadelphia. And yes, all my final decisions will be heavily influenced by an instructor. But I like to gain a collective knowledge by reading and asking a lot of questions for comparison and contrast first. I like to make sure with things that could be life threatening.

You'll find this site a lot more useful.

This forum is strongly biased on UK paramotoring... although the 'hardware' is more or less the same, there are a lot of different factors to consider for the USA.

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