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UKPPG Student Sets A New UK / Worldwide Record ?


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UKPPG Student, Matt Vicary today has today (13-01-2012) set what we believe to be a UK / Worldwide record in PPG flying.

Matt has flown 102 consequetive take-offs and landings (not touch and goes) in one day (5h 45m).

We know Dell Shanze has had a student do 60 touch and go flights in one day but Matts flights were actual start and stop flights not touch and goes with a circuit in every flight (Average of 3.38minutes per flight).

Does anyone know if this is officially a record.

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Matt took off and then completed a complete 4 leg circuit

(as per his training) and then made a power on landing for 85% of the landings, came to a complete stop, turned and faced the wing and then either put the wing on the floor or maintained the wing in flight (The K2 stays up in very light winds) then turned to face the forward position and relaunched.

He had 2 breaks for fluids and a Chocolate bar but that was it.

He done exceptionally well and for a large guy his stamina was outstanding and

with exceptional results however the next day he was absolutely knackered but

did manage to go flying again for a cross country for a rest. We are really proud of him.

Thanks for all your helpful replies guys, much appreciated,

Nigel (CFI)


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Matt took off and then completed a complete 4 leg circuit

(as per his training) and then made a power on landing for 85% of the landings, came to a complete stop, turned and faced the wing and then either put the wing on the floor or maintained the wing in flight (The K2 stays up in very light winds) then turned to face the forward position and relaunched.

He had 2 breaks for fluids and a Chocolate bar but that was it.

He done exceptionally well and for a large guy his stamina was outstanding and

with exceptional results however the next day he was absolutely knackered but

did manage to go flying again for a cross country for a rest. We are really proud of him.

WOW ....I would settle for one takeoff and landing :D

Thanks for all your helpful replies guys, much appreciated,

Nigel (CFI)


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