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flying fri 11th & sat 12th


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I folks,

I am happy to meet for a beer, this Sunday lunch\afternoon @ 2PM any good?, that might allow the other Black Hawks time to come over. (Rich and Jase) I know they want to meet hedge hopping Greasley :lol::lol::lol:

Kev I have just bought the Garmin gps map 60 csx colour with dig compass & altimeter for £230 from GPS SHOP ON LINE, they are about £450 in the shops. It is the dogs dangleys. This might suit your needs. I will bring it with me when we meet if you like so you can have a play.

Pete, could you bring my bible with you, you can keep the other books until you've done with them. I've still got that pressy waiting for you.

Stu, take it you'll be there, best start cycling now, hey is it Petes turn to drive :shock:

Everyone else welcome of course.

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Hi all.

Simon i've gone for the Kevlar exhaust, just to be a little different.

Bendme - not sure about the one off - do you mean the crash and burn in flames or the flight over the horizon with the throttle stuck full open, but at least I'll be able to tell the ignition's on, and when the fuel's getting low. I think the motor and the wing should be here by the end of jan.

I'll have to talk to the head of spending, to see if she'll give me a passout for Sun.

Stu - pm me if you want a lift.

Do you think the parajet will me and a dingy off the ground or does anyone have a set of MUD ski's

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Hi Bendme. A bit of lateral thinking. I've just been looking at some micro gas turbines use for model aircraft and one powering a disabled cart, got to 47mph. A spark of what IF ?. how could I use one without frying the wing. However my black wing won't show the burn marks. Just think of the sound in the air. Look on you tube and search " Model jet engines"

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hi Stuart. OK rub it in. What do you want me to do flap my arms. I could try wearing Wellington's. My grand dad flew in wellingtons during the war. and he made it to Germany and back.

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Had a look at the mini jet engines and really got my imagination fired up. If we coild mount it high enough above our heads so that we could get the forward motion without increasing the AoA we could attempt the paramotor speed record. Anybody want to be a guinea pig.....I mean ......test pilot? 'Course the other option is to get her indoors to take it to work and ask the guys in the Gas Turbine Labs (Aeronautical Dept, Loughborough Uni) what they think. Who needs small wings? Just give me the power!!!!


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I wish I could remember the links but there have been at least a couple of videos on youtube showing paramotor flights using model gas turbines. One of them used 2 mounted side by side with ducting drawing intake air from round the sides. The other had 3 mounted vertically but were placed quite a long way back from the pilot.

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Hi Simon,

I've been thinking about getting a hand held GPS and i've Just read your post about your new GPS, i've had a look online for reviews of the Garmin 60CSx and they're all good. How are you getting on with yours?

The price for these online in the UK is around £260 and in the U.S. $299 which is about £150 so i think i'll order one from the U.S., the only problem with getting one from the U.S. is that it seems to have U.S. fishing and hunting data uploaded onto it, could you tell me if you got yours from the states and do you know if this data can be removed and UK stuff added on? and i take it a GPS bought in the U.S. will work ok over here or anywhere else in the world for that matter, i do a lot of off piste Snowboarding around Europe so it will be great for that.


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Hi Richard,

the GPS works well and is very user friendly. The only drawback from buying a US model from what I could gather was the fact thay have US Mapping rather than European. The other thing to remember is that they will sting you for import tax on top of the unit price.

The csx model has some good functions including average glide ratio, glide to target information and altimeter/barometer.

Mine was £230 all in, and that included a waypoint manager and base map DVD. (GPS SHOP ONLINE)

I wont be using the fishing or hunting function so that doesn't bother me either way. All the units can be changed from US/METRIC/IMPERIAL so that shouldn't cause a problem for you if you buy an American version.

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