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Parajet Prop


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[attachment=0]$(KGrHqZ,!loE2EvWzpy!BNtHPykbpw~~_3.jpg[/attachment]Hi guys as im new to the sport i could do with your help

I recently brought a second hand macro of a chap who worked for parajet.

Anyway i need a new prop :oops:

I've got the hub's for both three blade and two blade so want to keep to the two blade while i build up my airtime.

The chap i brought it of is on holiday and so's my instructor.(so cant ask them)

Its a 125cm but im not sure what pitch i need etc

Could someone give me some advice and most importantly where's the best place to purchase one.

Thanks in advance


Parajet want just short of £300 anyone know of any other companies that might be cheaper ?

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Hi Carl, I think your other pulley will be for a 3 blade prop (needs a different ratio).

I run a two blade prop (wooden) and I use smaller bolts, you use the large bolt holes currently.

My driven pulley has two sets of holes, the large ones like you have and smaller (spaced 50mm apart) which I use.

The wooden props use the smaller holes. The newer pulleys (which you may have) might not have the smaller holes.

If you do have the smaller holes and can accept a wooden prop the Pete B should be the first point of call.

I (like you) broke a prop very early on and Pete's shelf was bare. I bought from born propellors, sold as balanced but I needed Pete to re-balance.

Hope this is of some help.

Nice motor by the way!

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Hi Carl, I think your other pulley will be for a 3 blade prop (needs a different ratio).

I run a two blade prop (wooden) and I use smaller bolts, you use the large bolt holes currently.

My driven pulley has two sets of holes, the large ones like you have and smaller (spaced 50mm apart) which I use.

The wooden props use the smaller holes. The newer pulleys (which you may have) might not have the smaller holes.

If you do have the smaller holes and can accept a wooden prop the Pete B should be the first point of call.

I (like you) broke a prop very early on and Pete's shelf was bare. I bought from born propellors, sold as balanced but I needed Pete to re-balance.

Hope this is of some help.

Nice motor by the way!

Hi Stuart

I'm not at home with the motor to look now but will have a look when i get back.

Yeah my other driven pulley is for the three blade prop..

Im not too sure if i have the new pulley i hope i have the old to be honest so i can at least choose to have a wooden prop.

Thanks for the advice mights see you around if your going ukppg weekend.

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