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The PPG 100 Club is here!


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Is PPG100 still available?

I want to do a paramotoring course but so far been put off as knew I didn't have 6k+ for good equipment post the course, so couldn't afford to keep up the new hobby.

After some research I came across PPG100 and thought it was an excellent way (post course) to get my hours and experience up without the instant effect on my wallet.

I know you are handing it over to Parajet but in the mean time is it still available?

If so, then I am really interested in doing the course at your training field (even though it's a 3hr, 1-way trip from Manchester) so I am suitable trained and am then eligible for PPG100.

Additionally, if anyone knows of any other similar schemes then please let me know.



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They may well do in the future but have become to busy with the Zenith to take it on.

I intend to have a max number of 10 members at a cost of £50 a month. (2 places already gone :-) )

It will only work for pilots who are local enough to use Membury airfield. (there will be no limitation on the number of hours)

Anyone interested, the best thing to do is call me for a chat.


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