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It's a great wing to start your flying life on, very easy to use and nice and safe. :-)

The thing that you may find is that it's a little slower than the PPG specific wings, which can be a problem if flying (or wanting to fly) with other pilots on those wings.

If you are likely to want to fly long cross country flights, I would say this is not an ideal wing and any of the reflex wings would be a better option.

If you want to potter around your local area taking some pictures, then the Nemo will be fine.

On the plus, if you later want to ParaGLIDE you will have a GREAT wing for the job. :-)



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Anyone know anything about the NEMO DUDEK PARAGLIDER? it comes with a package deal.

Very easy to launch, very forgiving of pilot errors, slow landing speed, slow every speed, I don't mean slow compared to PPG wings, I mean slow compared to other paragliding wings, so better to be near the top of the weight range, or you will find yourself going nowhere when flying into a headwind.

Paul D

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Are we talking abou the NEMO MOTO version as I see that it has been modified for motor use with trimmers and claims a 48km/h top speed:


What is the best wing in this category (i.e. that is suitable for PG and PPG)? I would like to start out with one that performs well at both, but am concerned that some dual purpose wings might be good at neither.

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What is the best wing in this category (i.e. that is suitable for PG and PPG)? I would like to start out with one that performs well at both, but am concerned that some dual purpose wings might be good at neither.

The Nemo Moto is actually quite good at both, having seen it in action, but as Paul says it won't have the outright speed of a dedicated reflex PPG wing. There is a new, unflown one in medium available for £1450 if interested ?

There are quite a few wings suitable for both, with enough performance to keep you happy for the first year or two. Unfortunately there is no 'wonder wing' that absolutely excels at both, so it is a case of deciding which you will do more often and accepting some compromise.

I wouldn't recommend an outright PPG wing such as a Synthesis for UK hill flying by anyone with under 50 hours experience, even though Dudek & Paramania say most of their reflex wings can be free flown. The Synthesis for example gets quite a few 'C's in tests, which are mostly not relevant to PPG but become very relevant when free flying.

Had a nasty reminder today while playing in the Spring thermals - when I looked back at the hill to see a crashed paraglider and half a dozen people kneeling round him. Thankfully I didn't witness the collapse, spin and spiral into the ground, but even more thankfully he managed to walk away from it (with a bit of assistance). It wasn't a PPG wing but serves as a reminder why wings are tested and certified for purpose.

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Yes, definately interested but won't be in a position to buy anything for a while yet unfortunately. I have a FB Silex which I will do my training on and first six months of flying and maybe that will give me an idea of what my priorities are (i.e. might end up going for a reflex wing if I find lagging behind is frustrating).

I think dual purpose would be handy as you could take one wing to the hillside and depending on the conditions could opt for PG or PPG.

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Dual purpose is great and was the route I took due to budget restraints, although I did notice a fair difference when I switched to 2 dedicated wings.

The Silex was a great PPG wing in its time and should see you through training but you will notice a big difference when you do upgrade as designs have moved on quite a bit in the last decade or so....

I assume you have had the canopy and lines professionally inspected ?

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I was told it was a 2006 wing and has been little used (10 hours) but who knows... I have ground handled it a bit and it seems fine - the material seems to be in nice condition but I will get it checked just to be safe. I think the inspection report would make it more saleable when I decide to upgrade anyway.

When I do upgrade I will only be able to afford one wing, and as I am reluctant to give up on paragliding before I have really given it a chance I will just have to accept the compromise. On the plus side, there are worse things in the world than paramotoring slightly slower than someone else who is paramotoring, and it is nice to have something to save up for - gives the old 9 to 5 some meaning. :D

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The fabric should be fine as I believe they used an extra long life (600 hours expectancy) material, but line shrinkage is a possibility on any wing - even one that has just been stored for a long time. Actually quite easy to stretch and check yourself if you have a line plan.

Your right that outright speed is not a big issue and won't detract from the fun of flying - good handling is more important, which it seems to have according to this review: http://footflyer.com/Equipment/Wings/2009-And-Before/Silex/paraglider_review_Silex.htm

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