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Weight ranges for paraglider wings used with motors

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Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

Years ago (in the days before paramotor specific wings) I was told that it was fine to use a paraglider wing with a motor even though you would be well over the certified weight range of the glider. Is this still accepted? (I appreciate that some gliders are not suited to power use but assuming that the glider is suitable for power use).

For example - I have a Windtek Pulsar (DHV1-2) that I want to use to give paramotoring a try before committing to buying a new reflex wing. I fly it without power toward the top of the weight range (120Kgs) but with a motor would be nearer 150Kgs with a full tank. Is this acceptable and what about things like higher stall speeds (would it be too high) etc.

One last question, am I right in assuming that standard glider risers will be fine with a low hang point motor and I would only need to change to power risers for high hang point motors (and to get trim tabs)?

Thanks in advance for any help. I am planning to do some training and will obviously ask all the questions then but just trying to work out exactly what I'm going to need.


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  • 2 months later...

I used Gin Bolero III(M size) to fly both paraglider and paramotor, though it's a paraglider wing, the user handbook says it's also for paramotor. the max load is 105kg, the paramotor load is 108kg,over 3 kg. when nil wind, the sink rate is big.

So, I think you had better read the user handbook of your wing,and if it say it can be used for paramotor. If so, you may fly for paramotor,unless cann't do it. it had better that paramotor load isn't over the max load of the wing.

your paramotor exceeds the max load too much, and it's dangerous for landing while nil wind based my experience.

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Probably be ok Tim, if it has a good glide ratio. Dont know much about your wing. My wing is max 110 kg and AUW was 155 kg last year. But remember, if you DO have a large collapse, the recovery might be a bit dynamic and height loss on the fast side. Allthough heavy loading will make that less likely too. Rarely see the tips fold on mine. You might find the wing will carve the turns in a more exciting manner with the extra weight, so be ready for that. And the landing will feel faster than when you freefly it but dont worry, the flare will bleed off the speed. Take a wrap if the wind speed is low and approach fast leaving the flare as late as poss. That's all I picked up by flying heavy on mine but your instructor might have more to say.

I've heard people say that underloading is worse


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... I have a Windtek Pulsar (DHV1-2) that I want to use to give paramotoring a try before committing to buying a new reflex wing. I fly it without power toward the top of the weight range (120Kgs) but with a motor would be nearer 150Kgs with a full tank. Is this acceptable and what about things like higher stall speeds (would it be too high) etc.....


Tim, I have flown the Windtech Pulsar with standard risers with low hangpoints with an all up weight of about 130kgs. Only flew a few times, about 2-3 hours in smooth conditions, and found it very easy to launch and control, and reasonably fast. Did not have any problems with it. If I were flying at 150Kgs with standard risers I would check the line lengths quite regularly.

Paul D

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  • 4 months later...

I have flown many hours on my old Pro Design Effect a 1(1/2) about 20 kg over the top on the large and have flown some hours on a DHV2 wing also over the top by about the same margin.

Here are a couple of things to remember :

1. The lines and the wing structure are tested AT LEAST to 6g load of the top of the certified range - so if you are 10-20% over the top that will not even begin to stress the glider (unless you are planning to do a lot of acro with your motor)

2. the lines do not stretch, they SHRINK - as in Cs and Ds getting shorted than the load bearing lines like the As - and testing them often is a very good idea no matter if you are flying with a motor or not.

3. since we usually motor in smoother conditions the collapses are less likely than in paragliding.

The only reason to go to a reflex wing is that you go Faster. That is all great, until you do have a collapse and then all this speed does very funny things with the recovery and airspeed dynamics. My instructor has a wonderful saying: "Acrobatics is what happens when aerobatics go wrong" :lol:

I think for a beginner an nice 1/2 (ENB) wing is the best choice - you will go slower, but that is a good thing, also if you do get a collapse it will recover MUCH better than a full reflex wing.

I am not sure there is such a thing as a wing unsuitable for paramotoring. The last issue of the paramotor mag had a nice story of two guys paramotoring in Pakistan. ...one of them was flying Advance Omega 8 - about as close as you can get to a an uncertified race ship and live :)

People tend to get into trouble motoring becuase they go too fast too low - acro or ground skimming. if you are sensible with it there is no reason why you should not be able to put a couple of hundred hours on your trusty 1/2 with the motor and enjoy every minute of it.

Just my 2p. :wink:


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  • 3 months later...

. the lines do not stretch, they SHRINK - as in Cs and Ds getting shorted

Just my 2p. :wink:


I believe that lines can suffer with shrinkage or stretch, shrinking is more likely but stretching of the heavily loaded front lines is also possible.

I know that it is possible to stretch lines because I have done it, when I found my lines had shrunk i stretched them back to the original length, and I am sure I could have stretched them longer than the original length.

So if you are flying a paraglider over the weight range you should check line lengths more often.

Paul D

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