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Mounting a reserve on the cage

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Hi all,

Has anyone ever mounted a reserve container on the cage of an Adventure F3 behind their head like on the PAP units?

This seems the only feasible option for me if it can be done as my F3's harness has no bridle routing to carry the bridle from a front mounted reserve to the shoulder maillon attachment points.

Any other possible ideas of ways to attach a reserve would be very much appreciated.



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Knock up some velcro flaps and sew them on your harness, or just route it where you want and secure with small zip-ties that will fail under load.

Surprised, as my F3 harness had the velcro system in place for a front mount reserve.


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Thanks for that, sounds like a good idea. Do you not think a cage mounted container would work on the F3?

The harness is in fact a Sky Sytems harness which I believe was made as a copy of the original Adventure harness but differs in a few areas being the webbing routing for one.

I will look into the idea of attaching some velco if the cage idea isn't feasible.

Thanks again for you reply.


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I think it WOULD work Justin, the problem I encountered when I tried such a system was that the reserve seriously limited my ability to tip my head back to check the wing overhead, either in flight or pre t/o

You would only have to make sure it was secure enough to allow you to pull the red handle without coming off. When I tried, a simple loop of webbing round the two cage uprights, secured with clips to the reserve container was the way I went.

A friend with a PAP did say that even the manufacturer recognises that some thrust is inevitably lost by sticking a fairly large blockage in close proximity to the prop. I am also slightly concerned that in high 'G' emergencies (high speed spiral for instance), the simple act of lifting your hands over your head to release the reserve, could prove problematic. Being able to see your reserve handle is, IMHO, a useful feature also.


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I have heard people say about the restrictions it gives to move your head back to check your wing. Never thought about the issues of grabbing the handle from behind your head in high G situations and agree it could be difficult.

I think I will look into a front mounted reserve and consider some options of routing the bridle as you mentioned. Might even be easier if I found a second hand Adventure harness with the routing already there but they are probably as rare as hens teeth :?

Thanks for your input Phil,



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Hi weesplat,

Never thought of that idea. It's a high hang point harness so it would keep you upright in the event of a deployment but not sure if it's a done thing or not?

I can't understand why the harness has no routing when it's got attachment points on the shoulders fro a Y bridle?

I'll have a closer look into this.



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Thanks again weesplat,

Anyone who has used or using this method of mounting a reserve on the hangpoints care to comment?

Also is there any specific front container that anyone would recommend and how does it attach?



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