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Quiet at the flagpole today

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Met Richard (aka gaffa) at the flagpole with his MZ creation, no-one else up there and a bit breezy so we nipped to Simons to get the new PMC power kites and had some fun until the wind dropped off and a peachy sunset flying window appeared. I suspect that's the last warm flying day this year, better get the thermals out.


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Just found this pic from the flagpole earlier this year (ignore the crap quality) there were approx 11 sailplanes sharing a thermal directly above us. By the time I found the camera they were moving to the next free lift, looked a bit busy at times :shock: .


Ahh I remember it well :D

Whats it like to fly I've forgot now :(

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Excuse me, but that velcro just needed a little bit of adjustment. And I have some other stuff that holds the cage to the base of the motor.

Don't be cheeky :wink: - I am offering constructive criticism, you saw me pull your cage apart with one finger as it's the velcro that really holds it together but in this case it was just flapping in the prop. The thin elastic bungee thing is not strong enough on it's own.

Definately worth getting Pete to cover pre flight checks on your motor so you can get into a routine before you fly again, we only want to make you a safe pilot so you can concentrate on having fun !

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This is a little annoying for me. Richard....

You chose to do a PMC course with Pete, you have not completed the section on the ground and require a more training to be safe in the air.

Why did you fly?? Take me through the decision process that you went through??

The frame is a perfect example if why we use the pre flight check list that we do.

If you are going to fly (and of course we cant stop you), please keep it to your own sites until Pete B tells me otherwise and I know you have completed your training.


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Dan - that elastic stuff is to not allow for a cage to fall apart to get in a prop's way, but I have got your point.

Simon - i'll get you thru my thinking. When wind got down a bit, a took my harness, and kite a wing a bit. It was stable, and easy to launch (and the wing is safe, I have had a check on it by aerofix). Then I've tried with motor, and it was ok. So I've fired it up, took the wing up, reversed and went for it. I was confident, that my skills were enough given the weather to keep me safe in the air, and that i will be able to land safely. My flight and landing were ok, landed on legs, didn't fall.

How safe was my flight? I think it was safe. While you can think otherwise, you have not been there, and you haven't seen it.

Let me tell this: I'm sorry for using club site without your expressed permision for me to fly from it. I will not apologise for having a flight at all thou. It was very nice.

If I will leave all my stuff, will I still be welcomed to a fireworks night?

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