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New member?? - The dark side...


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Hi there,

I've noticed there's not been any posts in the Somerset branch for a while, but i wondered if you guys are still active, and if so, if there's any chance i could join in.. on a powered hang glider??!!

Hope to hear from you soon,

Edited by highflyer
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Hi Lee and welcome,

Good to see a post in the somerset branch! Im just training myself with simon( very slowly when time and weather allow!). Get in touch anytime. I live near Wedmore. Happy to meet up sometime and have a chatover a cider!! What is it your flying? Have to talk you out of that!Lol


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Thanks, and good to see there's an active scene down this way. I'm flying with a booster powered harness, which uses the radne raket engine and I'm flying it with an intermediate kingposted hang glider.

Well, look forward to meeting you and some of the other members, and if anyone is in the Yeovil area and going flying, then please give me a shout!


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We have a group set up but it is sort of operating from diverse locations. I don't have any time at the moment to join group activities other than the ones I plan with Piers, Patrick Brook and Matt Boley, I wish it were not so as we have flying fields available around my home location. As the winter and my PPG flying progresses I will increasingly fly from around the Yeovilton area. I reckon by early 2010 I shopuld be up there quite regularly weather permitting.

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Thanks for the reply Norman. Well if it's acceptable for a PHG to join in on the fun, then i'd very much like to. Is there a formal membership procedure, rules, fees etc? If possible i'd like to have a look at and use the yeovilton takeoff field. If you would rather me wait for an official group day out then that's fine also.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi & Namaste

To all members of Somerset.

I want to join your club & be a member of Somerset. I know that i never came to there for flying but I always want to see the progress & the increasing member for Somerset. When i get succeed to establish I Promise to call all members of Somerset for special mountain flying in Nepal. I want to give lots of thanks to Daji (Norman) because of him and the other members of PMC. I complete my PPG1 in India & want to fly more for learn.


Karan :fail:

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