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Trim settings for launching on a non reflex paraglider


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Hi Guys,

Can anyone advise on the trim settings for launching with a standard paraglider fitted with trim risers?

The glider is a SOL Ellus which I bought a set of paramotor risers for it with 5cm of trim. I'm using an Adventure F3 with high hang points.

I've not flown this wing under power yet but it's a gelvenor wing so rather heavy so I'm concerned that the rising behaviour on launch might be a tad slow as it can be when I free fly it. I was thinking that if I maybe released the trims open prior to launch it would give it a faster launch due to the lower angle of attack.

What does anyone think of this?



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Prior to my current wing, I flew a Swing Arcus with power risers with trims. I was advised to open the trims about half an inch to reduce any tendency to hang back on launch. It sound like the wing is similar, so might be worth a try.

I used to also opens the trims about half way if it was particularly windy at T/O.


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Prior to my current wing, I flew a Swing Arcus with power risers with trims. I was advised to open the trims about half an inch to reduce any tendency to hang back on launch. It sound like the wing is similar, so might be worth a try.

I used to also opens the trims about half way if it was particularly windy at T/O.


Thats interesting Phil as I fly a sting powerplay wich is the motor version of the swing arcus, I have not noticed it hanging back during launch but mite try some different trim settings on launch.


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Hi Phil,

Thats interesting to know and concludes what I was thinking. Just out of interest how much travel did the trims have on your Arcus and did they make much of a difference to the trim speed of your glider between fully open and fully closed?

My Ellus has a 5cm trim range which doesn't seem a lot to make a big difference.

Did the 1/2 inch trim on your glider make a difference on launch for you?

Thanks for your input,


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I guess that the trim tab was about 4 inches long.

I'm not sure that the 1/2 inch made a great difference and I was never particularly aware of the wing hanging back on launch. Certainly in higher winds however, setting it half out made the wing much more manageable. It was an XL wing, and I found it a little bit tricky to forward launch (but then I was at the bottom of my learning curve, so the wing shouldn't necessarily be blamed). Of course forward launching tends to imply lower wind speeds, so no trim alteration really required I suppose. My problem was usually the wing going off to one side, probably because I wasn't anticipating very well.

The fast trim was noticeably faster than slow, although I'm afraid I can't quantify it. The figures are on the para2000 web site if you want to check there.


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Cheers Phil I will have a look at that.

I guess it's a case of just experimenting with the trim settings but obviously trying first with closed trimmers to see how it all goes. I could be worrying over nothing but nevertheless it's good to get some advice and feedback.

Thanks again,


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Cheers Phil I will have a look at that.

I guess it's a case of just experimenting with the trim settings but obviously trying first with closed trimmers to see how it all goes. I could be worrying over nothing but nevertheless it's good to get some advice and feedback.

Thanks again,


Advice? ADVICE?, oh no, don't go taking my advice! Only been playing with these here paramotor thingies for a year or so, so everything should be taken with a pinch of salt. We are on an internet forum, right? Advice worth what you pay for it yadayada....



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Don't worry Phil I would never take other peoples sole experiences with what I have in question and just go out and try it. It's more a question of gathering different info from different people and finding out what their experiences are on things to paint a bigger picture to see if there is a common technique in what I have asked.

I will be getting my local instructor to test fly it first to make sure my wing/motor combo is suitable.

You can sleep tonight mate don't worry :wink:

I appreciate all your input, thanks,


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Get it out in a wind and GROUNDHANDLE it on differing trim settings.

Very quickly you will know what setting it will inflate the quickest and how far you can let them out before it may frontal etc.

ALWAYS the safer way to go before even hooking in to motor.

A friend had an old wing and it was slower than those he flew with, but with his trimmers he could inflate in nastier stuff with ease.

Some wings tend to frontal a lot without a full load (edge of instability and all that). My Epsilon 4 is like that with power trims out past 1/3 (not that you need them like that for takeoff).

You may also find that it's technique that's lacking.

I've seen some older wings that tend to horsehoe inflate and bang tips before center inflates (age, design, lines stretch?). With these, biasing the center A lines solved the problem, some wings like more overall A bias on inflation, some not. Some wings are just dogs.

good luck sorting it.

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Thats probably the best thing to try next, thanks.

I've found in the past that some gliders do horseshoe on launch, even modern wings.

I've found that it's best just launching with the inner A risers if your glider has split A's for big ears or if not then when laying your wing out prior to launching rather than lay it out in an arc just pull the centre out so it's more of a triangular shape rather than an arc as this makes the inner A's more taught so the centre comes up first when you launch as the inner A's are more taught.

I used this method loads when I went to Chamonix free flying as most launches were nil wind forward launching.

Anyway I'll try some ground handling test when the weather plays ball :?



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