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Morocco instructors course.


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There is the chance that we will be able to run an instructors course in Morocco. (but it's not legal to fly PPG in Morocco you say...) Watch this space! :D

If your interested in this, (and you should be, its a fantastic place to fly and see) PM me so that I can get a feel for the response. This is anyone who wants to complete the PPG1 training (new pilot or student) and anyone who wants to become a Paramotor Club Instructor.


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It's odd that you should show an interest...

I was going to call you back yesterday and mention it to you after we spoke! I thought when I put the phone down... (*hit, I should have told him... lol ) bizzare!

More details as they come in, but I have quite a bit of interest in this already so it is likely to be a go....

This one is going to fill up fast, so don't delay a PM or message, even if your just 'interested' get your name down now. :D


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