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Guest leoibb

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just tryin to get a clear understandin of how insurance works with paramotors, firstly if i was to be a instructor ( hyperthetically) then who and what would i be insured for? Would my students need insurance or are they covered under mine? Would i not need no proof of experience from a governing body?

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On risk have, after negotiation, decided that the syllabus that we are running is improving the sport and have decided to offer a good insurance package for both instructors and students that are taking part in the course to improve their skills and safety in the sport.

In the same way that the BHPA offer insurance to their members.

At the end of the day it is up to you what you do but we are trying to improve the sport for everybody.

It is still deregulated at the moment and you can do whatever training course you want or none at all, just leave those that want to improve the sport get on with it.

Lets be supportive and stop being critical!


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just tryin to get a clear understandin of how insurance works with paramotors, firstly if i was to be a instructor ( hyperthetically) then who and what would i be insured for? Would my students need insurance or are they covered under mine? Would i not need no proof of experience from a governing body?

You would be insured for third party injury

Yes your students would need insurance

Yes you would need an instructors rating.

Do you want to be an Instructor??

Pete b

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well if it didnt interest me i guess i wouldnt ask the questions. so i guess so, but because i am unfamiliar with how the rating works , some questions may seem a bit stupid, ya see from my point i have spoke to people who are bhpa rated and so on, and they look on the course on here as bad, so for that reason i need to understand why would they think that, and what makes them sway more towards the bhpa. i am looking at soing some course but i need to know the right one to do and know that insurance wouldnt be an issue too. im not being critical toward people doing anything because it makes no difference to me, but if i am gonna be spending money then i am very critical and need to know exactly what i am gettin and why should i go on this instead of that. if that makes sence

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All the information you require has been on the forum for a long time now. You must read it all again and make up your own mind. I did!

I am a Paramotorist and that is as simple as it is for me, I am supporting the efforts of the PMC to make the sport safer and don.t see that the BHPA are offering me anything at all. It is up to you wether you support us or not.


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Ask them becasue I don't know.

If 'they' (the people you have spoken to) cant back up the comments maybe they hold no value?

I know this is a little 'stiring the pot' to say but it may be that the BHPA have a comercial interest in the sport and dispite many people 'mainly BHPA members' thinking I am making money from this I can assure you it's quite the opposite. This makes it simpler for us to create a training system that does not have to take in to account the same 'comercial' interests.

Our structure is very good, I will back it up all the way. This is our first instructors course and we have found one or two niggles which we will change but that's about it.

The people you have spoken to have not seen the sylibus and there fore can not make comments based on any fact at all.

I have no problem with you asking the questions here, I am sure many are asking the same questions in fact.

You would of course be more than welcome to attend a PMC instructors course if your interested in becoming an instructor and assuming that you pass, you will also be able to get insurance.

Keep it happy, and fun that's why we fly isn't it? :D


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yes good point , i have asked the questions and dont seem to get a answer of any value, and it did cross my mind the commercial interest, but the mail one i assumed was insurance but that one is cleared up too now.

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As one of the first pupils on this course, I know all the other pupils and not one of them is a BHPA member, you say you have spoken to BHPA members and thay dont like our course, where do they get their information from? it is all hear say and speculation, why not come and talk to us? all i can say at the moment is the instruction i'm getting is first class.

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well if it didnt interest me i guess i wouldnt ask the questions. so i guess so, but because i am unfamiliar with how the rating works , some questions may seem a bit stupid, ya see from my point i have spoke to people who are bhpa rated and so on, and they look on the course on here as bad, so for that reason i need to understand why would they think that, and what makes them sway more towards the bhpa. i am looking at soing some course but i need to know the right one to do and know that insurance wouldnt be an issue too. im not being critical toward people doing anything because it makes no difference to me, but if i am gonna be spending money then i am very critical and need to know exactly what i am gettin and why should i go on this instead of that. if that makes sence

I am BHPA rated and I am on the PMC instructors course.

When thought about putting something back in to the sport that I enjoy I looked at both and decided to to go with this one.

Why because (I personally) after reading the syllabus decided that the PMC one was better tailored to para :D motorist than the BHPA (this is not to say there is anything wrong with the BHPA way)

You makes your choice and spends your money, chose wisely.

Pete b :D

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Next time I am in Leeds, (about every 2-3 months or so... ) due a visit soon.........

We can hook up for a pint and I will talk to you in detail and answer all of your questions.


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