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Microlight Pilot Learning to Fly?


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Hi People.

I see in your training section about Air Law, Metriology, etc etc but I've already done all that learning how to fly a microlight. Including the qualifying cross country flights of more than 40Nm out and return.

Does anyone know of a shorter course for a microlight pilot to learn paramotoring?



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Hi Dog_Snob and welcome to the club,

I am only a newbie here myslef so i'm sure people will pipe up if I give any wrong info.

There is no real 'course' to take when learning to paramotor. We are unregulated and therefore have no set 'course' or 'sylabus' to follow in order to take to the skies. You will find two types of people that paramotor; those who haven't taken any instruction what-so-ever (they are usiually the ones doing lots of running, sitting, and trips to the prop fairy - allegedly) and then you get the people (like me and the majority on this site) that opted for some form of 'tuition' from a qualified or 'recognised' instructor.

Your background in microlights has obviously given you a grounding (no pun) in the flight theory, law and meteorology aspect of this sport. What you will need, is good firm advice on equipment and general paramotoring flight tips, tricks, techniques - the physical side to actually getting up in the air (safely and efficiently).

The main recommendations I read here are not to rush into buying any equipment. Another benefit of using an instructor is that they tend to have 'school' equipment for you to train on - and various wing/motor combos for you to try.

People will add more to this I am sure,

Maybe see you in the sky sometime soon,


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Hi Vince,

Your instructor will know the waiver details and credit for achievement in other aeronautical disciplines. If you train with the Paramotor Club (PMC) Simon will let you know in due course. From memory you will be excused the Navigation and Air Law papers. The syllabus is being reshaped at the moment as are these requirements within the Club, but in essence, if you have qualified in the core disciplines what's the point in asking you to jump through the hoop again?

Welcome by the way.... :)

PS: Ben, there are some changes on the way toward a more structured training system for the Club. The detail will follow later but this is a PMC thing, not as a result of legislation.

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Hi Vince, welcome to the site, as the others have said there is no legal requirement for training to fly, however you should look at getting at least a good grounding(no pun intended) in the basics without wich you may well find your route very frustrating and costly not to mention potentialy dangerous, theres a good DVD called risk and reward wich is very informative as is the book paramotor bible, theres a bunch of us going to the splash show(see other thread) in a few weeks time so you mite want to pop along and wag your chin with a few of us, good luck in whatever route you choose, personaly I would not think of getting airbourne without some tuition, niether does my mate Mr T: :D

"I pity the fool who dont get no proper training........GGRRRHHH!"


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