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Hi i am max im 13 and would love to get into the air somehow. I would like to start paramotoring but theres some q`s i`d like to ask:

1. Am i to young to fly?

2. Can i fly from my feilds? 265m long 35 ft trees at either end. 100 m wide no obstacles.

3. Can i use a trike or would i have to foot launch?

4. What sort of equiptment would i need 5,5 70kg?

Thanks For any help.


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Hi i am max im 13 and would love to get into the air somehow. I would like to start paramotoring but theres some q`s i`d like to ask:

1. Am i to young to fly?

2. Can i fly from my feilds? 265m long 35 ft trees at either end. 100 m wide no obstacles.

3. Can i use a trike or would i have to foot launch?

4. What sort of equiptment would i need 5,5 70kg?

Thanks For any help.


Hi Max, unfortunately you are too young to fly a paramotor in the UK, however that does not stop you training to fly one when you turn 16.

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Is there a license that must be gained? Also is their an aviation law saying that you MUST be 16 before you can solo or is this recomended??

Also does any one know of any kind of way of getting into the air at my age preferably powered but not required.

Thanks Max

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Hi i am max im 13 and would love to get into the air somehow. I would like to start paramotoring but theres some q`s i`d like to ask:

1. Am i to young to fly? = NO you can fly tandem with an instructor. And start to fly solo when you turn 14

2. Can i fly from my feilds? 265m long 35 ft trees at either end. 100 m wide no obstacles. = NO too small and the obstacles are too high.

3. Can i use a trike or would i have to foot launch?= You have to be 16 and do a much more expensive course to fly a trike. you need a CAA pilot's license.

4. What sort of equiptment would i need 5,5 70kg? You would need a wing (24 or 25 square metres) and a motor unit with at least 40 kg thrust and no more than 55. This is supplied by the school if you want to learn to fly before you buy. Or you can do a deal with kit and tuition included in many schools.

Thanks For any help.


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The 16 years old bit applies to trike flying and is under the same law as Private Pilot's License. you can learn when younger but cannot fly solo before even if you are capable.

Footlaunched is different because it is a "Glider" (even though it has a motor). The age restriction of 14 yrs to learn is imposed by the community who organise flying training for pragliding and paramotoring but is not law. Although other laws about instructors teaching under 16 year olds and Helath and Safety laws and Child protection laws would make it difficult or even imposssible to teach to fly solo someone under 14.

14 is a good, sensible age to set as most youngsters are starting to get a bit "responsible" at that age. Flying can be dangerous not just to the pilot but to everyone else around. We need to know that the pilot is taking everything seriously. So we say 14 to learn. You will fly solo at 14 but will stay with an instructor and do your flying in a school until you are 16. (having a responsible adult around).

I have been teaching a 15 year old this week and also I took two lads age 12 and a girl age 13 on the tandem and one chap only 6! They all want to come back and learn when they are 14.

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I'm confused so people who are incharge say you shouldn't fly solo if your under 16 but theres no law stopping you? I am a very sensible person i drive a car and have been flying with m father in a flex wing a CT2K 3 axis microlight. The reason i want to fly is because my dad has sold both of his planes and started hillclimb racing. I loved it and have been begging my dad to get another but he's to busy with his racing.

So if i get alot of training say 14 days and my instructor said that i was a good enough to solo would i be able to or is there a law saying no?

I very confused!!!

Thanks max

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I dont think there is a law. I would not train you until you are 14. Once you are 14 you will fly solo but not without an instructor present until you are 16.

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Yes i'll probably start saving for a course out in spain and go for my 14th birthday, and then i'll start saving to buy my own paraglider!!! Probably around 15 so thats probably when i'll start might get my dad to train and get one to then we can go flying together, or i could find someone in my area to fly with!

Thanks for your help Francis 777!

Thanks Max

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I do feel a little bad saying this but I would not teach someone under 16 due to the leagle issues surrounding it in the UK.

SPAIN sounds like a great idea.. www.skyschooluk.com may be your best bet.

Soz but you will need to go to Francis or someone.

I am not trying to put you off!! If you can find someone to teach you, go for it, but I am not that person.

I too wish you the best of luck, and please let us know how you get on!

If you think I / we can help in any other way... please do get in touch ASAP.


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I emailed then he emailed me back this:

Hi Max

Great to hear you want to learn to fly, its brilliant fun. You will, however need to 14 to begin training,and 16 before you can fly your own paramotor. If you would like more info, call me sometime, snd i will explain all.

all the best

Steve Millson

Axis paragliding and paramotoring

35 Mount Street






BHPA registered school 351


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Steve is a great instructor. He has been teaching for many years and helped me get my intructor license. Tell him Hi from Francis. You will not go wrong with Steve.

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