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Is it possible to increase F3 Thrust ?


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Hi Everybody

I have an Adventure F3 and currently weigh in at a Fat! 105KG's, although i am 6,3. I fly with an Ozone Electron wing Extra Large and with a slight slope have been getting airborne ok. However climb rate is slow and i am dreading my first flat take off.

In addition I am just about to purchase a Reflex 2 wing - which i understand will require more thrust / speed for take off.

My question is it it possible (Relatively cheaply) to increase the thrust from the Solo 210 engine? Either by engine mods or prop

Any help would be appreciated



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In theory yes. The 11 to 15bhp from a Solo 210 is obviously MILES off what an engine like that is capable of producing ... to give you a clue as o what is *possible* ... a full spec race 250cc two stroke motorcyle produces around 80 bhp, a 125 single produces around 40 bhp ... so yeah, at 15bhp it is a looooong way off being "highly strung"

Whish is of course a good thing in some ways, we need a fair degree of reliability.

With your weight I would go for something a little more umm "pokey" ... 105kg would be a good match for one of the Simonini Mini2+ powered units ... witha 1300mm prop ... you should get around 80kg of thrust, a little more than the 50 to 55 from the Solo ...

Sadly of you already have the tuned pipe and a free-flowing air intake, its going to need a little gentle tuning work to get more out of the Solo ... a good 2 stroke tuner will be able to clean up the engine without destroying its reliability ... just clean up the gas flow in the bottom end, fit a carb big enough to let it breathe and sort out the squish band ... and avoid any porting work ... but its prbably a whole lot simpler just to go and buy a simonini :)

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I've got an F3 with some extra designation. It's got the oversize head and tuned pipe, and I've just fitted a new air filter system.

Compared to me, you are a bit of a lightweight, so I'm hoping this will be up to the job of hauling my a** skywards. I'm going to be flying an XL swing arcus, which seems huge compared to some of my mates wings, so should generate bags of lift.

Just because it's the sort of guy I am, I am going to let Mr Stan Stevens breathe a little extra life into it over the winter. I, after all, enjoy tuning my archaic tractor like Moto Guzzi and hustling it round a race track, rather than taking the much simpler route of buying a Ducati.

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Just because it's the sort of guy I am, I am going to let Mr Stan Stevens breathe a little extra life into it over the winter.

mmmm ... that will be going "BANG" then ;) ... if you really want a tune try Graham File of Hythe. Stan is OK if you get the man himself ... more usually on of his monkeys does it .. some are good, some are umm "in need of further training" :) I've seen some stan stpehens motors with VERY dodgy squish setups. My GF tuned RGV often amazed several local dyno houses who had never seen anything perform like that, and it made SS stage 3 tunes look weak and very peaky.

Graham File would be my choice everytime.

Oh and for the original question ...

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/paramotor-solo-21 ... .m14.l1318

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you could convert it to an F4 by fitting the bigger cage and prop which would give you a bit more thrust or you

could add the tuned head and exhaust turning it into an A3 (you would have to change the prop as well to the A3 spec)

or you could do it all head, Exhaust,cage and prop and turn it into an A4 which is ment to have sufficiant thrust to fly tandam.

Check out prices for the parts you may fint its more economic to sell the F3 and buy a more powerful set up.

Cheers Col...

P.S. If you bought an adjustable pitch prop it might save you some dosh as you could tune it to match the engine. Hope thats of some help...

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Hi Everybody - Thanks for your comments its all been really help full.... The current model is not modified at all so air filter and exhast will be my next move i think - As i said before i can get airborne but i need Heathrow! or a large hill :D

Any reccomendations on suppliers, models of exhaust or airfilter etc.....

Thanks again


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Rather than thinking 'air filter' think 'air box'. This can be done in conjunction with a filter although many don't to preserve mass flow.

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Any reccomendations on suppliers, models of exhaust or airfilter etc.....

I posted a link earlier ... read back up the thread .. to the right sort of exhaust being sold on eBay right now.

Filter .. go for a K&N ... if you fly from particularly dusty sites, consider a filter sock. Expect to pay about 30 quid for the K&N. If you go to the K&N site, download the selection guide, measure the intake of the carb, you can easily find one to fit ... then just email a few of the K&N sellers on ebay and for a price ... Halfords can also get them to order, but they quoted me 50 quid for the one I ended up paying 30 for.

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Thanks for that - rszemeti. Am watching the exhast now, up for £70 at present whats it worth do you think? i dont mind paying if it not that much more...

ill take a look at the KnN - when the weather starts being nicer..... Dont know where you live but i could take off without the wing here in northampton its so windy!

Thanks again

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You'll need some sort of adapter to be able to use the K&N filters. The adventure mounts it's air filter as a simple bolt on plate, so you need to create a flange that the K&N will fit round and get clamped up onto with the jubilee clip. I made one out of Delrin for mine, that doubled as a much better shaped intake trumpet.

Regarding that Solo exhaust on Ebay, be aware you will probably have to redo the mountings, and perhaps even rework the shape to get it to fit. The standard 'Adventure part has the expansion chamber doubling back on itself down the right hand side of the engine, with the silencer then going horizontal underneath the engine. The pipe on ebay looks like it's designed to go pretty much full circle round the motor,

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The pipe on ebay looks like it's designed to go pretty much full circle round the motor,

True .. Im assuming hes prepared to "have a go" ... since its a solo210 exhaust, it shoudl fit the exhaust manifild OK, just a question of hoping it fits around the frame ... looks the right sort of shape ...

persoanlly, Id juts go out and buy a Simonini ;)

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