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hello from north yorks

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Hi & welcome.

If cost is your main issue I would be tempted to look into second hand kit. I suggest that you dont buy anything from E-bay and that you buy it from someone on this or other forums, clubs, shows and so on.

The three main bits of kit you will need are,


Paraglider / powerglider.


I am sure that you will get loads of help from the guys & girls here.

Again Welcome


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Probably 2/3's of the stuff sold on ebay is not ideal for starting out with but at the moment you don't know what is what so I wouldn't advise taking the gamble. You'll need to answer a few questions before anyone can help you...

1) How heavy are you?

2) How much do you consider is 'expensive'?

3) Are you fit?

4) Do you want new or second hand?

5) What do you see yourself doing with your paramotor (ie a quick 30 minute flight or wanting to go places)?

6) What is more important to you economy or power?

7) Do you want a machine that gives you feedback or do you want to feel insulated from that feedback?

etc, etc

The problem at the moment is that we can't really answer with any clarity as there are too many subtle differences in set up which you will only discover with experience. Perhaps your best bet would be to buy a second hand middle of the road machine to use for a year or two and during that time you will discover what parts of it you love and what you dislike so that your next one can be a new purchase with all the attributes you are after.

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I also would suggest (and indeed insist if you were flying from my field) that you had some training.

You can pay from £800 to £1200 + for this.

The short cut is to teach yourself, but if you are lucky enough to get of the ground, and back down again and live to tell the story, you will have more then likely broken a £200 prop or gone through the lines of your wing with it..... and so on...

Everyone has accidents on launch and Landing, it happens... but.....No training = happening allllllllllllot more to you and any one of them could end in a vay bad way.



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one of the training sites used by Paul Haxby of AXB Sports (http://www.AXBsports.com) is north of Fishlake (in the vee where the M18 meets the M62) and not much more than a dozen miles from Selby. His paramotor school is well respected, and in common with most established training organisations school kit is available to train on and be sure the sport is actually for you before making what is after all a far from trivial financial investment!

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