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Hello everyone

   Its  been a while since my last posting due to the fact I've had nothing constructive to ask, its been a little rough for me of late with my back still in a bad way, I'm struggling with my weight loss also hence this question, I know there are wings and paramotors available for the more meaty pilot but is there a limit that can carry for a foot launch, i've watched no end of youtube videos but everyone seems to be slim, any help appreciated please.


Edited by SheffSean
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Well I weigh 120kg that’s around 19st in old terms I’m using a Nitro 200 on a Reportair 28 yep running and failed launches can sting a bit but once I’m airbourne its all well worth it. Training will be tough although once your technique is perfected it gets a lot easier. I pay attention to the detail laying out my wing and into wind etc it all helps feel free to pm if you wanna chat. 

Happy to help 


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Hi I weigh around 125 KG and suffered a spinal injury some years ago so with a combination of the bad back and being a fatty my running is somewhat limited. I took up paramortoring after my accident and have always found foot launching quite a challenge and tended to only fly on days with a reasonable wind. My first paramotor was an MZ 34 loads of grant but heavy I flew this with different older paraglider wings which can be picked up for a couple of hundred pounds. The MZ eventually gave up the ghost and I swapped to Simonini MINI 2 PLUS which proved to be very reliable and had plenty of power to get me into the air. With the change in the rules regarding trikes that's the way I have now gone, so much easier than foot launching and I'm happily flying with no wind at all. the trike is a home built using a V3 with 190 and a paramania REVO 2  29. Takeoff run is quite long but who cares when you've got wheels and with all the weight it's quite fast once you're up there. In short what I'm trying to say if you're like me go for the trike you won't regret it.

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The CAA brought out an exemption allowing wheels in 2017 the trike must not be more than 70 kg with fuel and not carry more than one person. If you search the site will find the notice that Simon posted at the time. Hope this helps,  jez

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