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How would I go about building a virus XC2 paramotor?


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After researching paramotors for months and trying to decide which one to buy between scout Enduro, Parajet maverick, air conception nitro 200 Titanium , Kangook lite , and virus XC2.. I have decided to go with Virus XC2.

The man training me said we can build it. But i am writing to your pros to ask what should I purchase to make this build? What's a very comfortable harness with pockets/compartments? When I buy the moster 185 plus engine will it come with throttle? If not what's a good throttle to purchase? Does engine come with motor mounts and everything I need?


Thank you, Randy

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  • 4 weeks later...

I recently ordered a virus. Contact Jivko through his email to order one. I would recommend ordering the virus with the harness that Jivko sells so it comes with everything you need plus its a good harness. I chose to use a moster 185 plus, when you order the motor from your dealer also tell them you need motor mounts, prop, ect. For a throttle I ordered a polini. 

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How much did it cost you? Frame and harness that is.


I'm ready to move on to my second paramotor and I love the look of the virus but the lack of available information scares me. There's too much at stake for me to get it wrong, again, so I'm going to go with one of the bigger outfits. But if Jivko could have that website fully fleshed out with all the necessary information, I'd reconsider.

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I will have paid around 2000 for frame and harness after shipping. I wouldnt hesitate to buy from Jivko again. So far he has been great, answered all my questions. He doesnt read or write English very well so it sometimes takes him a day or two to reply to emails. Dana denny bought one from him and has nothing but good things to say about it. I test flew dana's virus and ordered one 2 days later. Just keep in mind Jivko is running a small shop so he might not have a warehouse full of parts ready to ship the second you order but his customer service has been great so far. Dana ordered some parts and got them 2 weeks later which IMO is good considering they were produced and shipped over seas. 

The quality and engineering in the virus is well worth the wait and the money. Plus it comes out to be a lot cheaper than the "popular" brands and has a lot more features. I would say get one unless you are still in the learning phase and have hard landings because if you break something it might be a few weeks before you can get parts.

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Thanks Mitch. I will have to reconsider.


I do wish his website would list the frame weight, size of fuel tank, a video of the setup up and breakdown (my last frame was a PITA to setup - never again), and a function where you could add one to the shopping cart, put in your credit card, and find your package on your doorstep a few days later. In other words, make it easy for prospective customers.


At the moment I'm leaning towards a pxp remix as my next unit. I also like air conception, parajet, and adventure (the plumas). But I'm also partial to maximum bang for my buck (dollar/looney/pound/shekel) and pxp seems to be the leader in my search so far. Plus they build to suit.


That virus sure is lovely looking though.

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