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Flying a FF PG wing with a motor


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Hi everyone,

I'm an experienced PG instructor and commercial tandem pilot.

I'm looking to buy a paramotor and at this stage Its likely I will go for the Air conception Nitro 200 or possibly a miniplane. The fact that they are light weight and seem to be reliable is what appeals to me.

I own two solo gliders, both old but in good condition in trim with good fabric porosity. Neither have trimmers attached to the risers.

One is a 22m2 Uturn Freeforce (freestyle wing) with a 55-95kg all up certified weight range (DHV 2) which I happily fly 10-15KG over the top of the weight range when I free fly.

My XC wing is a large Nova Tattoo L, 29m2, 100-130 (DHV2) all up weight range, which is fairly fast, especially on speedbar, given that I'm at the bottom end of it flying solo.

I am 88KG naked.

I'd rather spend the money on a new paramotor and make do with a FF paraglider if I can for the time being, but my wing of choice in the future would be an Ozone Spyder 26.

My question is could I fly one both of these wings with power, safely and happily with either the AC Nitro or the Miniplane?  

I've done 3 flights with a Zenith/Moster Plus paramotor and will be doing a conversion course next month.

I've seen a video of Dell S buzzing around on a Uturn Freeforce  under power wihich shows great handling and agility but I don't know what his wing loading would have been.

Any advice from someone who has had experience of flying free flying paragliders under power would be most welcome.



Edited by ian5708
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I have flown Low ENB free flying wings on my paramotor for the last 5 years or so. 

It usually not a problem, as long as the wings have reasonable characteristics and not prone to stall etc.

At your weight the nitro200 may have more power than you need with a free flight wing, so perhaps be weary about using full power on takeoff and turning against the engine's torque.

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1 hour ago, ptwizz said:

The OP stated his weight at 88kg NAKED.

I would expect him to be well over 90kg with clothing, boots, gloves, helmet, etc.

N.B. Dell S is not a popular data source.

It took me several attempts to moderate my comment to 'not a popular data source'.

Yeah you are right on all counts.  I know that Dell is not popular with most and having recently watched a couple of his videos flying his kids without helmets and his negative viewpoint towards them,  combined with his ego and arrogance,  I have concluded that he is a metal object used to fix things with, which mechanics would keep in a box for said object. I just wanted to highlight that fact that flying with a small acro wing can be done,  I was just wondering how good it would be. 


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